Noor part 30


My world collapsed when I saw her standing on the entrance.

It was none other than Erva, she was standing on the entrance, i felt so happy after seeing her safe, she went towards evaan and said "wallahi evaan, " she was about to say something when he said "where were you yesterday Erva?" He was so mad that without anything else he asked this question.

"Evaan i-" he cut her and said "why you ran away from your own wedding?" He again asked "evaan listen I can explain" she said "yesterday I was getting ready for nikaah when suddenly someone from behind hit me and i collapsed and when i opened my eyes I was on some strange place, but somehow i managed to ran away from there"she said for a second i myself got convinced by her words but then the clip flashed in my mind which bhabhi showed me yesterday of her running away with her bag.

How smoothly she is acting. Evaan was getting convinced by her, when bhabhi went towards her and said "oh really Erva!" She said and stood infront of her "how many lie you're going to say huh?" She said and Erva squeezed her eyes and said "noor appi I'm saying the truth"

She said and was about to say something when evaan interrupted saying "there is no use of these explanation Erva" he said and she asked "why ?" She asked and he said "because I'm already married now" he said and she widen her eyes and said "WHAT!! with whom?" She asked almost shouting.

Evaan looked at me with soft gaze and then came towards me and and then hold my hand and said "with sehrish, I'm married to Sehrish" he said and tears of joy appeared in my eyes and my heartbeat risen. She was looking so shocked just then her next word left me shocked.

"Ohhh now i understood......"she said and paused and then again said "wow sehrish wow. I can say you're a mastermind" she said and i got confused and said "what are you saying Erva?" I asked being dumb and then she said "it was all your plan, it was your plan to kidnap me and then get married to my finance" she said and i widen my eyes with utter shock "WHAT!!what are you saying Erva" i said and then saw Zayn and daiyan bhai going towards her with raze in their eyes, i stopped them "bhai no, let me handle" i said "she can't talk bad or inappropriate about our sister" daiyan bhai said "let me show her real place" Zayn bhai said and i stopped him "bhai" i said and they stopped.

"Stop talking nonsense Erva, I myself saw you yesterday running away" bhabhi said and i saw the colour of erva's face vanished. "What!" Evaan said and looked at bhabhi ."is this true Erva?" He asked and she shaked her head as no and said "appi what are you saying and why are you lying, I'm sure this sehrish has did something to you," she said and i couldn't believe that my best friend is saying all this for me.

"I know you did this intentionally sehrish, you have your eyes on my evaan from a very long time, and you planned all this so no one would suspect you. Wow Bravo" she said standing infront of me and tears formed in my eyes, I wanted to say so many things but my words got stuck.

"How cheap you're sehrish, how low could you g-" she was about to finish her sentence when I saw Annika bhabhi saying

"SHUT THE FU- UP YOU BITCH" She said coming towards her and then noor bhabhi said "be in your limits Erva, we aren't saying anything that doesn't mean you will say whatever you want " she said and and Annika bhabhi went closer to her and said "they can't curse you because it's forbidden for them, but trust me bloody bitch, I can do worse than you can even imagine. Sehrish is like my little sister and i will never tolerate someone saying bullshit about my sister, third class girl" she said and noor bhabhi smirked at her and said "beware of her Erva and think before talking" she said and went closer to her


She went near her ear and said "don't think i don't know anything about you running away, even I have the clip too, so think before talking about sehrish " noor said and she went towards evaan and said "evaan please try to understand me please I'm saying the truth,idk why noor appi isn't understanding " she said and tried to touch him when sehrish stood infront of him and said "stay away from my man Erva" she said and Erva got angry and raised her hand to slap her and sehrish closed her eyes but she didn't feel anything so she opened her eyes and saw evaan standing infront of her protecting her and holding erva's hand

"DON'T YOU DARE ERVA" evaan shout on her and she was shocked "may Allah forgive me for touching you but you provoke me to do this" he said and immediately jerked her hand.

"Yayyy I'm so happy evaan is taking her side" Annika said and noor winked at her and said "I'm proud of my brother "

"DON'T YOU DARE TO EVEN RAISE YOUR VOICE ON MY WIFE" He said and she said "evaan i-" he cut her off saying "Erva i don't know about anything and i don't know who is saying wrong or right but what supposed to happen happened, we can't change the fact that I'm married to Sehrish and I'm telling you to move on because........... I'm going to give a chance to this marriage " he said and Erva was looking pale "but evaan I love you and I'm innocent evaan, it's all her plan," she said and evaan looked at her and said "I hope you're innocent Erva" he said and he was about to go when she blocked his way and said "but you said you love me evaan " she asked and he said "i still love you, but I'll try to move on" he said and went away from there and sehrish followed him.

"Listen bitch stop creating scene here and go find another men because he is her now. And if i got to know that you're troubling them again then I swear I'll make you regret your existence bitch..... Now fuck off " Annika said and Erva ran away from there while crying.

"Wow Annika you're so savage but you know cursing is haram" noor said and Annika made a pout,"I'm sorry but these types of girls are handled this way only" she said and they both laughed. "But Noor you know this world is so cruel and you guys are so pure and innocent people might use ur innocence and break you, they will try to steal your love, just like how she did today. So please be strong and tell sehrish to fight for her love, I saw how hesitant she was today " Annika said and noor nodded saying "yes you're right Annika, thank you so much for taking her side. And why do I feel like we are school besties " noor said and Annika said "yaaah I feel the same "they both laughed a each other.



It was time to say goodbye so everyone was leaving and noor was bidding goodbye and hugging everyone "don't tell Amma abba about these scene ok" noor said to evaan and he nodded.

While she was busy in talking there was someone who was continuously admiring her with a smile plastered on his face "omg !!! What am I seeing right now?" Aryan said and daiyan saud "it's you who is watching then how should I know?" Daiyan said and Aryan made done face.

"Daiyan Malik is having a smile on his face" Aryan said and daiyan looked at him and said "it was you who was staring at Annika bhabhi like a vulture" daiyan said and Aryan said "Stop talking about me what about you daiyan, do you love her " he asked and daiyan nodded his head "but as much as i know you, you hated her in the beginning then how?" He said and daiyan was continuously staring at her and said "I fell in love with her not knowing what love really was,i stayed in love with her because no one made me feel the way she did.I still fall in love with her everyday because there's no one i picture my future with other than her" he said softly with so much emotions running in his eyes and paused and then again said "My love wasn't love at first sight but something that slowly heals my heart,her existence keeps me alive,her smile revives my dead heart,My life without her is nothing but a living hell." He said and Aryan was carefully listening to him and said "wow mr malik, from Mr coldy you became mr lover boy" he said and they both laughed, both grumpy are laughing.

While everyone was going there was someone who was finding his hoor, "Zayn have you seen aria?" Noor asked him and he said "no bhabhi I'm also finding her " he said and noor raised her eye brows and said "why are you finding her?" She asked teasingly and he scratch the back of his neck and said "i-i actually bhabhi I was finding her for you" he said and she laughed at his silly excuse.

"Now let's go and find her together,I need to bid her goodbye." She said and they both went to find her. After finding for 15 minutes Zayn said "bhabhi where is she ?" He asked tiredly and suddenly he heard something "bhabi can you hear this?" He asked and told her to listen carefully "yes yes Zayn, it's like someone is breathing heavily" she said and Zayn said "i don't know why my heart is beating, let's go and check" he said and went towards from where the voice was coming.

While going his eyes fall on a window and when he saw inside his heart dropped in his stomach seeing the scene.  "ARIA!!"he shout and noor aslo saw it and got panicked. He went to open the door but it was looked. "Ya Allah why this door isn't opening" he said and tried to open it, and there inside the room aira was getting panick attacks and having breathing problem and the door was locked from inside. She was sitting on the floor and her hands were on her chest and she was breathing heavily, her face was sweaty.

"Aria open the door please" he said feeling helpless trying to unlock it "aria please open it " noor said and tears were forming in her eyes seeing her best friend like this.

"Idk what happened this time which made her panick again" she said and Zayn asked "what "he said and noor said "she always get panick attacks when she heard shocking news or have a fear of separation" she said and Zayn was trying to break the door. Just then daiyan came and asked "begum what happened why are you crying " he asked and she told him and he saw her inside and he said "Zayn let's break this door" he said and they both tried to break the door and after few attempts the door got opened and they hurriedly ran inside and Zayn's eyes were moist seeing her like this, he straight went towards her and was about to hug her but halted and then noor hugged her and caressed her back trying to calm her. "Shhhh shhhh nothing is going to happen calm down aria. I'm with you don't worry" she said and Zayn just wanted to hug her and comfort her until she calm down. He gave her water and she gupled it and after sometime she got calmed and her breathing got normal.

"Are you ok ari?" Noor asked and she nodded, she was still hugging her and both malik brother was looking at her worriedly "aria what happened to you? Why were you in this condition?" Daiyan asked and she looked down "ari you get panick attacks when you hear some shocking news,,.....what happened this time? Is everything ok?" She asked and aria nodded

"How do I tell you about this noor......" Aria Said in her heart and said "nothing noor actu-- actually one of my friends is in hospital and her condition is getting worse" she said and noor hugged her and said "calm down ari nothing is going to happen with anyone" noor said just then aria looked at Zayn who was looking at her with soft yet worried face, eyes watery, palm sweaty. Her phone ringed and she saw it was her parents, "i think i should go now Amma abba must be worried" aria said and Noor nodded and daiyan said "Zayn go and drop her " he said and aria shaked her head and said

"No bhai jaan i can go by myself " she said and Zayn said "I'm coming with you understand, what if you get panick attacks again, i can't take any risk" he said aria was just looking at him with pure love.

They all left for malik mansion and Zayn went to drop aria. He was driving and the whole ride was silent until he decided to speak "aria!" He called her softly and she looked at him "are you ok?" He asked and she nodded and said "alhamdulillah I'm ok Zayn don't worry" she said and Zayn said "wallahi you scared me so much today " he said and she immediately asked "why you got scared?" She asked and he looked at her and said "aren't my eyes enough to answer you aria?, Just look in my eyes and you will get your answer " he said looking at her and she got flustered and said "focus on driving Zayn" she said shyly and he giggled.

While he was driving she was continuously staring at him being lost, he steal some glances and finally decided to say "mujhe aise na dekhe, mujhe yaha kuch ho rha h ( please don't look at me like this, something is happening here)" he said pointing towards his heart and her face became red like tomato and she moved her face , just then he stopped the car and said "we reached to your destination miss aria" he said and she smiled at him and unlock the door and went out and said "jazakAllah khair Zayn, good night,drive safely" she said and bid goodbye and went inside.

"Ya Allah today i felt the fear of loosing my love before even getting it" he said and drive to his house.



It has been three, four days of us doing the project together and i don't want to admit but I kinda started to catch feelings for him. He isn't that bad, he is sweet ,cute giggly type guy. He never harmed me even saved me many times.

I know he is famous for being a playboy but I never saw him with any girl.

I was going back from University to my apartment and I was about to leave the university when suddenly it started raining.

"Wallahi i didn't even bring my umbrella, this is so sudden." i said and stood on the staircase.

The rain was getting heavy by the passing time.

"Should I go running?" I questioned myself and shaked my head " no no I'm wearing white today and my hijab is white too, i can't risk." I said "what should I do then, ahh let's see wait amaira" i said and sat near a bench when suddenly i saw Azael coming from the building with a umbrella. I glanced at him and he looked at me too "aren't you going home today?" He asked me and i said "I'll" i said and he raised his eye brows and said "then go why are you sitting, the bus won't come here to pick you" he said making my irritated self more irritated. I rolled my eyes and said "just go, don't eat my brain Wallahi",i said and then he came towards me and said

"Ohhh so you don't have umbrella, here take mine" he said and offered me his umbrella but i denied "no you go I'll wait for the rain to stop" i said and he said "i don't think the rain is going to stop soon so take this and go" he said and i shaked my head "then how will you go?" I asked and he said "that's not a problem. Just by a mere phone call I'll get 1000 of umbrellas here right now " he said showing off his money and i rolled my eyes "stop rolling your eyes on me zohra zabi, and take this and go, it's getting dark" he said and after thinking for sometime I took his umbrella.

"jazakAllah" i said and he smiled and waved his hands and i opened his umbrella and went towards the bus stop.

I sat inside the bus and a red tint apoerad on my face by looking at the umbrella.

"Why my heart is beating very fast" i said and then the bus started.

I reached to my apartment and went inside, I was very tired and went to freshen up. I came outside and offered salah and then prepare my dinner.

"I should complete my assignment first and then I'll have dinner" i said and was about to head to my room when I heard door bell ringing. I moved towards the main door and opened it and directly my eyes landed on a envelope landing on my doormat.

I was getting creepy feelings, i looked here and there to find someone but it was empty. With shaky hands I took the envelope in my hands and thought to open it. It was written 'for amaria' after gathering courage i opened the envelope and took out the thing which was inside but my breathing stopped when I saw the picture. I felt the land slipped beneath my foot. It was a picture of Azael drenched in blood, i started to breath heavily and then i found a note inside the envelope and read it, " Whoever try to get closer to you will taste death SWEETHEART " I read it and my head begin to spin, I dropped the picture and note on the group and ran inside, I took my wallet and phone and went outside for azael's apartment.

After 10 minutes i reached to his apartment but his room was locked.

"Wallahi where is he now??? I'm getting worried, is that picture real?!"i said and then dialled his number because we exchanged number in case we get any emergency due to project. After few rings he picked up and I said "he--llo Azael "i said but from the other side it wasn't Azael's voice "sorry amaria it's me Nick, actually azael is in hospital " he said and my breath got hitched. "WHAT!!!in which hospital???" I asked and he told me and i hurriedly went for the hospital. That hospital wasn't far from his apartment so i reached there in 10 minutes, I ran inside and asked the receptionist about him and she told me about his room.

I ran towards his room and found it and when i opened it i found him laying on the bed with bandage wrapped around his head , hands, legs and he was talking and laughing with his friends..."amaira!" He said and i went towards him and asked "are you ok?" How this happened?" I asked and he tried to sit and his friends helped him, he signalled them to leave. "It's nothing "he said and i rolled my eyes and said "actually I met with accident " he said and then the note flashed infront of my eyes "I'm sorry Azael it's all because of me " i said and he shaked his head and said "why are you saying sorry, it's because of me,,I was speeding my bike " he said and a tear rolled down to my cheeks and he said "zohra zabi please don't cry please, it hurts me when I see you crying " he said and i looked at him and said "Azael i think my stalker did this to you, he don't like me getting close to anyone " i said and he became confused "stalker?" He said and i nodded "yes from past few days I'm getting creepy feelings and creepy and strange things are happening with me"idk why i told me everything that happened from past few days. I felt so relieved after sharing this "don't worry zohra zabi,no one can harm you, I'm here for you I'll protect you"


Thank you so much for reading.

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And ye chapter me jada w

ords h ok so now don't complain.

And i don't know mera 1k ka Target kb pura hoga, I'm not asking for money (dedo yr 🤣)

Love from Mahek 🫶

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