So me and Zayn almost reached there, "here take this" I gave him a earbud and said "now just follow my commands ok" i said and he nodded and went out saying "Allahu Akbar" i chuckled and looked at his figure.

"It's your test Zayn, i didn't bring you here to climb in her balcony but to see if you are doing any haram things or you can control your nafs and saitan.

Let's see if you can pass" i said in my heart and looked at his figure who was looking so nervous. I turned off the lights of the car and I was sitting inside.

"Bhai Bhai can you hear me, Bhai don't tell me you got unconscious" he said and i said "yaah idiot I can hear you no need to shout" i said and he looked here and there and then towards her balcony.

"Bhai it's so dark here, what if a chudail (witch) would fall for me" he said and i face palmed myself. He is totally like amma, dramatic.

"Will you shut your mouth " i said and he nodded "bhai bhai I'm scared,what if we got caught "he said nervously and i said "no need to get scared, you love her just go ahead " i said but his next word made me smile

"I know bhai i love her but idk why it feels wrong, bhai it's wrong to climb in a girls room and too at night," he paused for second then said "bhai it's haram, and i can't do a haram thing. I want to make it halal and pious " he said and a big smile crept on my face.

"Bhai I'm not doing this and I'm coming " he said and was about to turn but got caught red handed by none other than ARIA


I turned myself to go back but I got startled by someone's presence.

"Ya Allah chudail (witch)" i shout closing my eyes with my hands and then few seconds later I heard a voice which always sooth my heart and ear

"Mr Zayn Malik" she said and i immediately opened my eyes and looked at her, she was wearing a navy blue Abaya with white hijab and not to forget with raised eyebrows.

"Who are you??? Ya Allah Aria got possessed by a satan"i said and she gave me a done look "did you hit you head somewhere?" She asked and i shaked my head "no but in childhood i got hit with a plushie" i said and she made weird face

"Are you for real, with plushie " she asked and i nodded innocently. Just then i heard bhai saying "idiot stop talking and get out of there otherwise she will figure out" he said and i nodded and said

"Ok Miss aria, I'll take my leave now, good night Allah hafiz" i said and was about to leave when she said "what were you doing here at this time?" She paused for a second then said "Don't tell me you came here to see the girls of my neighbourhood wallahi" She asked me  and i widen my eyes saying "ALLAHU AKBAR, astagfirullah aria why would I see them when i have someone far better than them" i said and she got puzzled

She raised her one eye brow asking for my answer and i innocently said "what?" She then said

"Yaah Zayn Malik I'm asking you then why are you here at this time"she said and i said "i-i yeah I'm here to meet my friend yeah " i said and she gave me a done face "do I look like a fool to you?" She asked and i shaked my head in denial and said "no no miss aria, how can you be fool, you're the most intelligent girl Allah has ever created" i said and she sighed and said "just tell me honestly" she said and then I took a step closer to her and said "you want me to be honest right?" I asked and she nodded directly looking in my eyes, her cheeks was red then i said "I came here to see my moon"

I said and smiled and went away leaving her with red face. I moved towards my car with a big smile plastered on my face, i indirectly confessed today ya Allah, why I'm blushing.

I then turned to look at her and saw she was still standing in the same position with red face. I chuckled and opened the gate only to meet with my brother with a weird kind of smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked and sat inside the car

"From where did you learn all this flirtings?" He asked and i looked at him and said "you heard everything??" I asked and he nodded, ya Allah why why . I made crying face then "i think bhabhi must be finding you" i said and he widen his eyes and said

"Ya Allah you're right she must be finding me, let's go"he said and i sighed and started the engine and drove off.



We reached home and parked the car, he directly went inside his room with blushing face, i chuckled at him and went towards my room.

I twisted the door knob and opened it only to get welcomed by my begum with cold eyes and hands crossed over her chest sitting on the edge of the bed.

Her stares made me nervous.....i went inside and closed the door and said "assalamualaikum begum" i said and tried to went inside the Washroom when she said "Walikum assalam,Where were you mr malik?" She asked and for the first time I got scared by her.... Ya Allah save me.

"Who?" I asked and she squeezed her eyes and said "is any other malik here?" She said and i shaked my head and then went towards the bed and sat across her and said "actually begum i went for a walk with Zayn" i said and she gave me a done look and said "you went on walk with car !" She said and i cried in my heart, how dumb I'm. While talking I saw there was a insect on her hand so i tried to remove it but she jerked her hand and said "Don't touch me with your filthy hands mr malik" she said catching me off guard. "Filthy hands??" I said and she nodded while making a pout and i melt there.

"Ok wait" i said and headed towards the washroom and after sometime i came back and wiped my face and said

"I did ablution, now I can touch my pious and pakiza wife"i said and she giggled but then again became serious.

"Good night mr malik I'm sleepy, شب بخیر" she said and went to sleep and i chuckled and layed down on the other side of the bed making a distance.

Ya Allah I want to hold her tight in my arms, I want to give her my all love.


I woke up with the sound of my alarm and then i turned it off, then I saw mr malik wasn't bedside me. I then travelled my gaze and saw his prayer mat on the table, maybe he already offered his salah.

I went inside the Washroom to freshen up and did my ablution and wore my jilab.

I offered my salah and then I saw mr malik entering in the room. The moment he entered in the room, the room started smelling like Daisy, and i felt like someone did magic to me because Daisy is my favourite....but wait he hates Daisy then how.

I stood up and said "mr Malik, are you perhaps started to like Daisy or started to use Daisy fragrance perfume?" I asked and he made a disgusting face and said "ewww i hate them" he said then i went near him and went closer to him to smell and I was right he is really smelling like Daisy.

"Then why you smell like daisy?" I asked and he seems nervous and why his cheeks are red .

Just then i realised how close I was with him, then i distant myself and he said

"Begum I'm getting late for office" he said and i nodded and went to fold my prayer mat.


I was going in the washroom when she stopped me and while questioning she came very close to me making my heartbeat uneven, like I ran a marathon in the morning.

I somehow managed the situation and went inside the washroom.


Everyone was done with their breakfast so it was our time to leave for the office "Zayn if you're done then let's go,you can eat in the office too" i said and he made a pout when Amma went towards him and caressed his head saying "yah stone hearted man stop scolding my poor baby, he is hungry let him eat, wait I'll feed you with my own hands today" she said and i looked at them with done face.

"You have never feed me with your hands Amma" i said and she was unbothered and I saw begum giggling, i glared at her and she got silent.

"Oh my precious Amma i love you so much, If i ever get another life then I'll always ask Allah to give you as my amma" Zayn said and i rolled my eyes on his cheesy lines.

"Oh my baby Amma be sacrificed on you" she said and feed him the morsel in his mouth and I was waiting for him like a desperate person I'm.

Haash finally he is done with his infinite eating. "Kha liya nawab sahab ( done eating nawab sahab)" i said and he cheekily smiled and nodded his head just then Amma came and recite ayatal kursi and blew air on our face and said

"Go safely" she said and we nodded.

I turned my heals to go but halted on my step and said "begum aren't you going to send me off till the gate?" I asked and she said "who?? Me?" She said and i doubt on my wife.

"Do I have another wife here?"i asked and just then Zayn came and hugged me saying "oh yes baby you have me, hubby" he said and i made throwing up face and pushed him saying

"ASTAGFIRULLAH!!!Lahuala walalkuwata illa billa shuu shuu " i said they both bhabhi devar laughed at me and i hold Begum's arms and lead outside.


He pulled me outside and when he touched me it's still feels ethereal and magical. I felt butterflies. When we reached outside my eyes got wide open because of the view.

I hung open my mouth when I heard him saying "close ur mouth begum,fly might get inside" he said and i closed my mouth.

"What is this mr Malik?" I asked and he signalled his bodyguard and he came with few car keys.....I forgot to tell you all, here are expensive cars infront of me,Rolls royce, Mercedes Benz,Bugatti la voiture noire,BMW, all these cars are parked infront of my eyes.

I was stuck in my thoughts when I heard him saying "begum choose any car of you choice and it will be yours" he said and i snapped my face towards him and said "WHATT!!!??" I almost shouted and he chuckled at my reaction.

"No mr malik, there is no need of this" i said and he looked at me saying

"Why?" He said and i became nervous

"I can't take this from you, I can buy if I want" i said trying to ignore his request but he said "why can't you take this from me? I'm your halal mehram begum and women have the rights on her money as well as on her husband's money too" he said and i smiled "Gifting you car is just a bare minimum " he said and I was about to smiled when I remember I was mad at him, ya Allah how can I forget,so he is doing all this to make it up....no no no mr malik I'm not easy to get.

"I don't want your gift " i said and flipped my Abaya and went inside the house leaving him dumbfounded


"Wat was that??" Daiyan said and then calked aria

She picked up the call and he said "aria can you tell me what's noor's favourite car?" I said and she replied saying

"Her favourite is mercedes benz and Bugatti la voiture noire " she said and i smiled and said "jazakAllah" i said and hung up the call. And then went inside my car and then driver started the engine and drove off.


She was sitting in the classroom with her one and only friend luna,just then Azael came inside the classroom along with his friends. His gaze directly went on amaira and she rolled her eyes and he chuckled. Just then teacher came and he sat on his seat,

"Students we have to do a project so I'll be making partners ok," the teacher said and then started chanting the partners name and then he said

"Amaira and Azael" he finished his announcement and amaira widen her eyes and looked at him behind her. He was having a smirk plastered on his face. She just rolled her eyes and went towards the teacher and said

"Excuse me sir, i want to change my partner" she said and teacher shaked his head and said "no amaira you can't change ur partner and it's final" he said and she sighed "now everyone go and sit with your partners," he said and she went to sit on her seat and later Azael came towards her and said

"Zohra zabi may i?" He asked to sit and she again rolled her eyes. "Ufff this eye roll, roll you pretty eyes like this in our bedroom baby" he said and she widen her eyes saying "ASTAGFIRULLAH!!" She almost shouted and everyone was glaring at them. "Sorry"she mumbled getting embarassed.

"How shameless Azael, use some mouth filter, Allah tauba " she said and shift a little for him to sit maintaining distance.

"Don't you dare to get close to me " she said and he laughed at her and said "i know zohra zabi relax"he said and then they begin to focus on the lecture.

They started doing the project and she was sitting on the floor and her hijab dropped inside the paint and her hands were engaged with paint brushes and colours as other students were also doing their project (they were doing painting as they were art students and it was their art class) so Azael came and said "may i?" He asked and she shaked her head and said "no i can manage" she said and  again tried to clean it but failed so he took a step towards her and took her hijab and took out his handkerchief and begin to clean it "don't tou-" she was about to say but he cutted her saying "don't worry i know it's haram, i won't touch you" he said and she felt her heart melt at his words.

"Zohra zabi i think you should go and clean it in the washroom, I'll manage here and don't worry we will complete the project" he said and she nodded and went to luna and then they went inside the Washroom.

She was done with cleaning when she got a notification "getting closer to someone can harm their life sweetheart"  it was not the first time she was getting this type of messages, she was fed up so she ignored it and went out.

"Luna I'm really craving for Indian foods" she said while going and then Azael said "zohra zabi we are almost done now, the rest we will do tomorrow ok, i think you should go home it's evening now" he said and she nodded and turned around but then stopped and said "Azael!" She called him and he immediately looked at her "thank you for your help" she said and he smiled saying "no need zohra zabi" then they all went for their house.

She got freshen up and wore a hoodie and then sat on the couch and took the remote and on the TV.

"Let's watch some dramas" she said and started to watch it, she was so much focused on her TV when suddenly she heard a whistle outside of her appartment, which made her startled "ya Allah what is this?" She questioned herself and then shaked her thoughts and again focused on the TV. She again heard that whistle and she immediately looked towards her door. She stood up and moved her legs towards the door

"Why all these things are happening from few days" she said and got stopped when she heard a knock on her door.

"Ya rab protect me and give me strength" she said and begin to recite ayat-al-kursu.

"Allahu Akbar" she said and with hurried legs she went towards the door and open it with a jerk and shut her eyes but then she opened it after sensing no one's presence there. She looked left and right but no one was there then her eyes landed on a basket which was laying on her doormat ,she took the basket and and saw many bowls and packets of indian food.

"Who put this here?" She said and then found a bouquet too.

But little did she know that there was someone who was watching her while saying "Anything you crave will be fulfilled by me and only me sweetheart " he s

aid while smirking and puffing cigarette 🚬.


Thank you so much for reading

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Allah hafiz

Love from Mahek 🫶

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