I don't know what is happening to me and what my fate is but I'll just accept it. If this is how Allah has written for us to meet then I'll accept it.

Right now I'm sitting along with evaan and our family in bridal dress.

I said Qubool hai and signed the papers and he did the same. I don't know why my hands were shaking.

Ya Allah I'm so happy Today, sukr alhamdulillah for everything rabbi, in sha Allah I'll offer sukrana salah for this.

"Indeed dua has the power to change the destiny" i said and wiped my tears when I heard my amma saying

"I can't believe my baby is married now. How will I live without my precious daughter." She said and i went towards her and hugged her saying "Amma please don't cry, you're my strong Amma" i said and she cried more hugging me.

Just then abba went towards evaan and hold his hands saying "please take care of my princess, she is very precious to me. My soul recides in her" he said which made me so emotional and i went and hugged him

"I love you Abba " i said and hugged him

"Don't cry or i won't be able to resist myself from crying" i said and he laughed at me.

"I'm so happy for you sehru" noor bhabhi said while hugging me and I smiled with teary eyes.

"U were right bhabhi Maybe this is how we are written to meet" i said and she smiled and caressed my head


They all were having their emotional moments when daiyan and Zayn went towards evaan with a death glare and then both brothers exchange glances and then again glared at him and said "We are giving you our beloved sister and if you ever try to hurt her or a single tear appear in her eyes then you won't be able to walk through your legs" they said and they thought evaan is now scared but what he said next made them shock "and make sure to make my sister happy or else I won't hesitate to break all 206 bones of your body " he said daiyan and Zayn widen their eyes and then they all three laughed at eachother.

"Please take care of her. We have raised her with love, affection and care, she is so fragile." Zayn said and he nodded. "Don't worry she is my wife now, and i very well know how to treat my wife, how to take care of my wife" he said and smiled and they looked at sehrish and she was talking with her mom and family.

"It's time for us to leave now, we will send your belongings tomorrow"daiyan's Amma said and sehrish nodded.

And then they all were leaving and noor was standing near the door of driver's seat then aria said teasingly "Remember how we used to drive cars back then, how we do racing and all." Aria said and noor chuckled sadly and said "yeah and I miss those days," noor said with sad face then aria said "i never thought you, the noor Sheikh would ever leave driving and racing, everyone knows how crazy you were for cars" she said but they weren't aware that someone is over hearing them and it was none other than daiyan Malik. "Noor Malik, not Sheikh, she is Noor Malik now" he said coming out of nowhere cutting their conversation in between "yaaah Bhai Jaan you scared us, and sorry yeah she is Noor Malik now my bad " she said and daiyan was continuously looking at noor but she wasn't even sparing a glance.

"Why isn't she looking at me" he thought in his mind and shrugged his thoughts, "So my begum has intrest in cars, interesting, be ready then begum jaan " he said and then went inside his car along with noor.

The ride was silent no one was talking so daiyan thought to break the silence "begum, you never told me you were interested in cars" he said but got no reply so he glanced at her and she was looking outside the window unbothered by his question and maybe by his appearance.

"Is she ignoring me?" He questioned himself in his mind and then said. "I hope evaan will make my sister happy always" again he got no reply which made him wounder why she is ignoring him.

Just then his eyes fall on a ice cream parlour so he said " begum you wanna eat ice cream?" He asked but as usual got no reply then again said "begu--" he didn't complete his sentence when she said "mr malik I'm very tired please drive fast" she said with cold voice making daiyan shock little bit but he nodded and drive silently.

They both reached at their house and all other members were already reached so she opened the door and moved to went inside but halted on her spot and turned to look at him and asked "aren't you gonna come inside?" She asked and he shaked his head as no and said

"No actually i have a incomplete work to do I'll come later" he said and drove off.

She then went inside and headed towards her room. She took out her jewelleries and glanced at the wall clock "i still have time to offer Isha salah" she said and went towards her wardrobe,took out her Abaya and hijab and headed towards the bathroom.

After sometime she came back doing her ablution and opened the prayer mat and begin to offer salah.


A black mercedes stopped near backyard of the mansion where few men were standing and then he came outside and it was none other than daiyan

"Is everything arranged?" He asked to the bodyguard and they said "yes boss everything is done" he said and then daiyan gestured from his hand indicating that man that he wants something.

The bodyguard then gave him a lighter and he took it and light up the lighter and smirked and told that bodyguard "you can leave now" he said and the bodyguard nodded and immediately left from there leaving him all alone

He then roamed his eyes all over the mansion and said "indeed you're a beautiful mansion but because of you my wife was suffering from all these yeare so you need to burn." He said and then throw the lighter towards the mansion which was already drenched in kerosine oil and in no time the fire took all place burning everything which was coming on it's way. He was just staring at the burning mansion and smirked and said "she isn't just girl, she is the girl I fell in love with, she is the girl I can leave and die happily for,i can put this whole world upside down just to see a smile on her face, for her i can burn down this whole world.....This is just bare minimum " he said and cracked his neck and said "the one who did this with my wife won't stay in peace, count your days because your happy hours are dead now, and the count down of your life begin." He said and wore his sunglasses and left from there and sit inside his car.

While driving back he dialled someone's number and that person picked up after some rings

"Assalamualaikum sir how are you?" He said from the call "walikum assalam, alhamdulillah I'm good, I need your help" daiyan said and "I have messaged you already what I want and I want all this till morning. Delivered it to my house "daiyan said and then hung up the call.



I went inside my room only to see the whole room decorated with flowers and candles and the aroma was filled with rose perfume.

All the flashback flashed infront of my eyes, how happy I was for getting married to Erva, she was my crush since childhood but what she did..... I'll never forgive her.

She just broke my all dreams. Shattered my heart into pieces. In a split of time my whole world took a 360° turn.

How am I going to accept all this so suddenly. Ya Allah what's the fault of sehrish, i dragged her too. She is so innocent and pious.

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly the door opened revealing sehrish with a nervous smile. I can understand her.

I hold back my tears, smiled and went towards her

"Are you ok evaan?" She asked me with worry written on her face.  "Yeah alhamdulillah I'm fine, actually sehrish I'm so sorry" i said and she had a confused look on her face.

"Why are you sorry evaan?" She asked looking at me with her doe eyes

"Because of me you are also dragged in this situation without your will" i said and then for the first time she holds my hands and made me sit on the bed. Her touch was so magical. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt my heart beat being fast at her touch. She caressed my hands and looked in my eyes and said

"It's not your fault evaan. And it was not my fault too maybe this is how Allah want us to meet. You know everything happened for a reason, so there must be some reason behind this too. Just trust allah and keep your tawakkul strong" she said and I was just looking in her eyes and listening carefully.

She is so mature, the way she talks.

"Evaan you should sleep I'll sleep on the couch" she said and stood up but i hold her hands and she looked at me

"No sehrish,you are my wife now and i can't let you sleep on the couch" i said and she shaked her head and said "evaan i know you're not ready for this relationship and i won't even force you, take your time and I'm comfortable on couch" she said and i smiled knowing how understanding she is.

"Sehrish I want to give this marriage a chance. We are married now so I'll treat you as my wife, just give me sometime" i said and she sit again and said "Take your time evaan, I'm happy atleast you're giving a chance to this marriage rather than sticking to your past, for this you need courage. I'll try my best to be a good wife and daughter in law" she said and I feel overwhelmed by her words. But deep down my heart was aching for Erva. No matter how much I try but she is my Childhood love. But I'll try to move on.

"Sehrish sleep on the bed, as a husband it's my duty to make my wife comfortable " i said and she tried to deny but I said "please " then said agreed.



I was going towards my room after walking for sometime while sipping my coffee. Everyone was sleeping because of tiredness due to the wedding and tomorrow is the reception so they all slept. While going towards my room i crossed Zayn's room and I heard Zayn's voice, it's like he is talking to someone. I shrugged my shoulders and thought to move towards my room but i halt when I heard him clearly saying "ya Allah please I'm missing her, please show me some way to see her I'm already missing her" he said and i crashed my brows together and thought to peek inside.

I opened the door a little and found him sitting on prayer mat in prostration position and making dua. I slowly went inside and with slow steps i went towards him and sit next to him on a distance.

His eyes was closed while making dua. He was saying "Allah i know i just met her in the evening but what do I do I'm missing her, it feels like it's been 100 years since I haven't seen her. Without her every second feels like eternity."he said and i chuckled at his words and thought who is that girl he is talking about then he said "oh my beloved miss aria you have stolen the peace of my heart and mind. Now only your existence in my life can cure me" he said and i widen my eyes with a big smile knowing my brother has fallen in love.

"Oh my beloved Allah please show me some way to see her or i won't be able to sleep and I'll be the most helpless person in the world till I see her" he said and then caressed his hands on his face saying "ameen" and then put his hands down just then his eyes met mine and got wide open like it will come out of it's socket anytime and i smirked and raised my one eye brow and he said "bha-ai" he said and i sit comfortably on the floor and said "yes! Me" i said and he got nervous and said "you heard everything?" He questioned me and i nodded my head and thought to tease him and made a serious face saying "yes i heard everything and I'm very disappointed" i said and i could see worry written on his face

"Bhai actuall-" he was stuttering and i laughed internally "i never thought you would do something like this Zayn. " I said and i could see his face was looking so pale so i thought to end this and i laughed so hard and he was looking confused "bhai I'm sorry because of me you got traumatized" he said fake crying and i stopped laughing and gave him death glare.

"Shut up idiot" i said and he sit straight

"So you love aria ?" I asked him and his cheeks became red and I was laughing internally "yes bhai " he said and i said "Did you tell her about this?" I asked and he shaked his head as no

"No bhai i don't even know that she loves me or not" he said with sad face and i patted his back and said

"Don't worry keep trying and make dua and make it halal ok, your bhai is always with you. But remember don't do anything haram" i said and he nodded his head and said "thank you so much Bhai, but please don't tell anyone about this" he said and i smirked and said "and why would I obey you mr Zayn Malik?" I said and he made a pleading face "bhai please" he said and i teased him saying

"Don't worry tomorrow I'll tell eomma she will be happy" i said and he widen his eyes and said "no bhai not now, I want to tell this to eomma but not now because I don't know about aria's feeling. And what if eomma tell this to aira, it would be so awkward and i don't want her to feel uncomfortable because of me" he said and i feel so proud on him. He is such a gentleman. Here is Zayn who is gentleman and on the other hand there is Azael, spoild brat.

"Ok but my begum should know about this " i said and he again widen his eyes "NO bhai please "he said and i said "I'll tell her " i said and his next word made me shock "ok then I'll also tell her that you secretly read her written novels "he said and I was shocked how he know about this.   "How do you know?" I asked him and he said "I'm the brother of Mohammad Daiyan Malik "he said and i laughed and said "are you threatening me" i said and he shaked his head and said "no no but wait let me tell this to bhabhi." He said and and shout "Bhabhii"he said and i put my hands on his mouth preventing him to say futher and i said

"Fine!! I won't tell anyone."i said and he smiled cheekily and said "bhabhi ka khauf (bhabhi's fear)" i glared at him

"Thank you so much Bhai , i love you "he said and hugged me and i made and eww face pushing him "move idiot, this place is reserved for my begum" i said and he laughed. I turned around to leave but then a thought crossed my mind and i turned and said "you were saying that you are missing her and wanted to see her right?" I said and he scratch the back of his neck and nodded

"Great then I have a plan " he said and Zayn excitedly said "what plan tell me fast" he said and daiyan went towards him and said "Go sneak in her room or balcony "i said and Zayn made done face "are you serious bhai?"he said and i hit him on head and said "yes" i said and he looked at me saying "but bhai this is risky, what if i got caught" he said while fake crying and i glared at him "don't be a scarey cat and go, you are my brother. There is no risk just wear a mask sneak in her room without making any noise. Use any pillar or pipe line to climb" i said and he looked at me being Amaze

"Bhai the way you are saying i think you have done this before"he said and i scratch the back of my neck and murmured "yes" i said and he said "what bhai i didn't hear clearly"he said and shaked my head and said "now go be brave"i said and he think for a while and then said "bhai i can't go alone , you need to come with me please" he said and i made done face while crossing my hands

"Am i going to see my lover?" I said and he shaked as no "then why should I come" i said and he smiled saying "because I'm your baby brother"he said and i made a cringe face saying "aish don't make faces like this I'll throw up" i said and he made a pout saying "bhai please let's go together, it's my first time and you seems to be pro. It will help me please bhai" he said and i sighed and said "ok fine but you aren't going to tell noor about the novel ok" i said and he immediately nodded and said "yup it's a secret " he said and i said "now change ur outfit and get a mask and wait for me outside near the car ok" i said and he nodded. I went to get ready to leave.


Thank you so much for readin

g ☺️

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Love from Mahek ❤️

Jazakallah Khair ❤️‍🩹.

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