Everyone was busy with something and I was finding my begam. She was nowhere to be found, I was going towards the kitchen when I got interrupted by Zayn " bhai!!" He called me and i halted on my spot and turns to look at him.

"Yes Zayn?" I said and he showed me a file " bhai the papers you asked for, that mansion's property paper. I transferred the amount to his account" he said and i smirked and took the papers and opened to read it.

" Good work Zayn" i said and he asked "but why you brought that mansion bhai?" He asked and i looked up and said

" I'm in love with that mansion at love at first sight so i brought it" i said and he gave me weird look " and did you found out the man I told you about " i asked and he nodded and said " bhai it's kinda complicated to find about him because that day many people came to that mansion along with their family and friends, but don't worry I'll soon find about him" he said and i nodded and he left.

I was impatiently searching my begam jaan here and there like a desparate lover,until I saw a familiar figure laughing sitting with someone.


That kid is sitting on her lap, yaaah boy move from there that's my place.

I was about to take a step when my eyes got wide when I saw him kissing my begam's cheeks and she was giggling.

"Ya Allah indeed jealousy is a disease" i said and went towards them. I straight went towards them and stood infront of her and she looked up at me with a raised eye brow " what?" She asked me and i crossed my arms around my chest.

"Begam--" I was about to say something when that kid interrupted " appi i love you so much, you're so sweet" he said and i widen my eyes and glared at him

" Awwww love you too" my eyes got more wide when i heard her replying love you too

"Begam how could you say this to him?" My mouth throw this sentence unknowingly and she glared at me sending chills " why? What wrong?, can't you see he is so cute and adorable" she said and only i know how i controlled myself from saying I'm more adorable than him

"Appi let's go he is disturbing us" that kid said and i literally wanted to snatch my begam from that kid

"Mr malik suniye" she said and my heart melt at that point. " Ji begam jaan sunaiye" i said and she blushed at my sentence.

"We are hungry so let us be alone" she said and i widen my eyes when she left from there ignoring my existence.

"Wallahi did my wife just ignored me for a kid?" I said looking at her disappearing fighure.

I follow her and saw she was standing near food stall. " Noor come with me, we have to check the arrangements" aria said and noor nodded and then looked everywhere and her eyes stopped at me

"Mr Malik!" She called me and i smiled and went towards her. " Ji begam?" I said and she handed me the child saying " please take care of him for sometime, I'll be back soon" she said and left me with that kid....

"Wallahi she made me a babysitter" i said and dragged that kid along with me and made him sit on the chair

"I'm hungry I want to eat something" he said and i glared at him and said " wait here I'll bring sweets for you" i said and went to bring sweets and came back and handed him.

He was silently enjoying his sweets then i said " what do you think,you can snatch my begam, she is only mine, the lap you were sitting is mine,the hugs and kisses are mine you small creature " i said and glared at him and he was glaring at me too. "I love her so much " he said and i squeezed my eyes " she is my wife and i love her more than anything " i said while glaring at him.


Me and noor was checking the arrangements and suddenly Zayn appeared making my heart beat faster

"Wallahi Zayn stop startling me " i said and he laughed "I'm so sorry miss aria for startling you, ya Allah please forgive me for scaring your beautiful creation" he said and i made weird face looking at him " are you for real Zayn?" I said and he smiled cheekily " yes miss aria " he said and i sighed and said "talking to you will only waste my time, move I need to make sure everything is perfect" i said and move but I got suddenly migraine head ache just like someone is hitting my head with something. Whenever I came in a crowded place i got migraine attack.

I hold my head saying "aish again this headache" i said and i heard " aria,..are you ok? What happened?" I looked up at him and the first thing I saw was a worried Zayn " yes I'm ok it's just migraine attack, I get this headache everytime" i said and suddenly i felt someone is dragging me, i looked up and saw Zayn pulling the hem of my dress and taking me somewhere

" Zayn what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" I said and then he stopped and made me sit on the empty chair " you just stay here miss aria, I'll be back " he said and i squeezed my brows "Zayn!" I called him but he went away ignoring my shoutings.

"Ya Allah sometimes I can't understand this man" i said and smiled unknowingly.

After sometime he came back with medicine and a glass of water "here take this, eat this medicine and drink water"he said giving me the medicine and glass of water.

"What is this?" I asked him and he smiled and pulled a chair infront of me and sit on it and said "you got migraine attack so here is the medicine," he said and i crashed my brows together saying "how do you know about this medicine?"

"Halima also get migraine attack sometimes so we give this medicine to her, and it's very effective " he said and i nodded my head and he signalled me to eat the medicine and i did.

"Jazakallah(thank you) Zayn for this," i said and tried to stand up but got pulled by a force " what ?" I asked when he pulled me down " where are you going now?" He asked me and I said " i have so many work, the nikaah will start anytime, I have to make sure everything is perfect, i can't let noor do everything alone" i said and he smiled and said " I know miss aria, but you have headache so you just sit here and rest, I'll take care of the rest things" he said and i chuckled saying "c'mon Zayn you're our guest ,i can't let you work" i said and he smiled saying "you're also guest miss aria" he said and i shaked my head as no and said " no Zayn I'm not a guest, noor's family is more like my family, i got so much love from her family, and evaan is like my little brother so apparently it's my brother's wedding" i said and he smiled at me and stood up saying

"Ok ok but still you can't work till your headache would gone" he said and i smiled at him and said " but Zayn" I was about to say something but he interrupted saying " don't worry instead of you, I'll check the arrangements" he said and a sudden rush of happiness went inside me.

"No need Zayn, I'll d-" again he interrupted me saying " please miss aria let me help you" he said and unknowingly my heart melt at his cute gesture

"Ok now you silently sit here " he said and went to check the arrangements.

I was silently watching him doing things and he had a charming smile on his face all the time. While watching him the flashbacks of our recent incidents which happened from the day we met flashed infront of me and i chuckled unknowingly.

The way we always twin without knowing. He is such a sweet and gentlemen.

His partner must be very lucky.

I was lost in my thoughts when daiyan bhai came towards me along with arsh (that small kid) and sit next to me "assalamualaikum bhai jaan" i said and he smiled saying "walikum assalam aria" he said with a small smile, well I can say after our first encounter he changed alot, noor changed him alot.

"Hey beautiful aria, how are you" arsh said and came and sit on my lap and i smiled and pulled his cheeks

"How are you champ?" I said and he kissed my cheeks and said " I'm handsome" he said and i smiled

"Did you annoy daiyan uncle?" I asked him and saw daiyan bhai smiling "no, he was annoying me" he said and i laughed at his words "you were irritating me u small creature" daiyan bhai said and glared at him "you irritate me because I'm more handsome than you" arsh said and stick his tongue out and i laughed at their cute arguments.

"Aria please do me a favour and take care of this little devil" he said and i nodded my head and said " sure don't worry he is very innocent infront of me" i said and daiyan bhai smiled and said "I'll go and find noor" he said and i nodded.

"Aria appi I'll go and call my friends , I want you to meet them" he said and i smiled saying "sure ansh, i would love to meet your friends" i said and he run to call his friends.


I was done with checking all the arrangements so i thought to go to aria, I went towards her and saw her with few kids surrounding her and she was laughing and giggling with them.

This made me smile, I went towards her and stood up behind her. She was talking with them and I was smiling like an idiot looking at her. "Ya Allah just her mere smile is enough for me to raise my heartbeat. She is raising my heartbeat without even doing anything " i said in my heart and chuckled and took a seat beside her.

"Hmm someone is enjoying their alone time" i said catching her attention and she got startled by my sudden appearance.

"Astagfirullah Zayn stop startling me again and again " she said putting her hand on her chest and i laughed and she glared at me.

"I'm sorry aria for startling you" i said while laughing and the kids were laughing too " bhaiya don't tease our beloved and beautiful aria appi" one of the kid said while standing infront of me putting his hands both side of his waist.

"Oh I'm scared mr" i said fake scaring and saw her laughing just then an old lady came towards us and said "mashallah,you both are looking so good together, may Allah bless your relationship my kids, are they your kids?" She said and aria coughed at her statement and i laughed at her and she said " no no aunty they aren't our kids an-" she got interrupted when aunty said " it's ok this young man will work hard for it"she said teasingly which made both of our eyes wide. She left making us speechless. We made an eye contact and there was an awkward silence for sometime then the kid said "why both of your faces are looking red like tomato" he said and we laughed nervously and i said "I'll be back" i said and went from there.


"Noor go and bring Erva, we are running out of time" noor's mom said and she nodded her head and noor and aria went to bring Erva. They both reached to her room and knocked on it but got no reply " why isn't she opening the door?" Aria questioned noor and noor said " I don't know," she then knocked again but again no reply so she decided to enter because the door was unlocked " Erva!!" They called her but she wasn't present in her room. Aria checked the bathroom and noor checked the balcony but she was nowhere to be found. They got worried. "Where is she gone now ya Allah" noor said and aria patted her back saying "shh don't worry, let's check everywhere " aria said and they both went to check but on the way they met with daiyan and Zayn

"What happened? You both are looking stressed" daiyan said looked at their stressed up face, they both looked at eachother and noor said " Erva is missing, she isn't in her room, we checked the corridor and other rooms but she is nowhere" she said, daiyan and Zayn widen their eyes and said " WHAT!!" they both said in unison and both the girls nodded.

"Ya Allah, this girl, idk where she is gone now" aria said and Zayn said "don't worry let's search her, I'll call sehrish and Amma abba " Zayn said and they nodded " I'll also inform Amma abba and evaan" noor said and they went away.

"WHATTT!!!" Evaan shouts and dropped his phone "appi she must be in the bathroom" he said and noor went towards him and said "no evaan she is nowhere, she ran away from her wedding" she said and evaan looked at her with tearful eyes "appi why she ran away, if she wasn't happy then she could have told me, I had cancelled the wedding" he said and noor hugged him and his father came and said "now she has already ruined our reputation, all the media, reporters, press and my business partners are here and i can't let that girl ruin my image" he said and evaan looked at him said "what do you want?" He asked and daiyan's father came towards him and signalled sehrish to come, she confusingly came towards them then he said

"Beta what was supposed to happen happened, we can't change the fact that there is no bride in this wedding, so I want you to marry with my daughter" he said they both widen their eyes.

"What are you saying?" Daiyan's mother said with wide eyes. "Did you asked sehrish will?" She said and daiyan came towards him with rage and said " mr malik you already ruined my life by marrying me with your choice now don't force my sister" he said this unknowingly and noor felt someone is clenching her heart and stabbing it multiple times, her eyes made tears.

"Daiyan beta, i know you are angry but it's beneficial for both of our family" noor's father said and daiyan glared at him.

All the time evaan was silent and he had tears in his eyes.

They all were arguing leaving the both sehrish and evaan in shock just then evaan said " sehrish will you marry me?" He asked her and she was just looking at him with straight face.

"I don't know" she said her father came towards her but Noor said "i what to talk to her alone please" she said and daiyan's mother said " beta please don't force my precious daughter"she said and noor nodded with a small smile and they  all left from there leaving noor and sehrish alone.

"Sehrish!" She called her but suddenly sehrish hugged her saying " bhabhi i can't marry him" she said which made noor confused " but you love him sehru" she said and broke the hug and looked at her

" I know bhabhi and i still love him, but i can't take advantage of his heart break, he is really broken and I'm ashamed on my best friend,how she ran away from her wedding " she said and noor took her hands and made her sit and hold her from her shoulders

"I know sehru, you are so sweet and pious that you can't even think of taking advantage of anyone but I guess this is your fate, may be this is how Allah SWT wants you both to unite" she said and sehrish was listening to her so carefully.

"Maybe this is what is written for you both, maybe this is a sign from Allah " noor said and sehrish looked down silently

"I really don't know bhabhi, my heart is dead, what if this is wrong? What if I'm cheating my best friend?" She said and noor smiled saying " i think Erva doesn't deserve this, she didn't understand the worth, well i think i know the reason of her running away" noor said and sehrish crashed her brows together saying " i don't understand " she said and noor took a deep breath and said "well I went to her house in the afternoon and when I was standing near her door i overheard her saying that she got selected in the National fashion designing event and the final date of the event was of tonight, i thought she will deny or talk about this with evaan, and will tell him to postpone the wedding but she chose the wrong path" noor said and sehrish widen her eyes. "I knew that she want's to became a fashion designer but i never thought she will run away like this," sehrish said and noor hold her hands and said "i told you everything, now I'll leave the decision on you, wether you want to marry my brother or not I'll be by your side" noor said and sehrish straight her lips and noor stood up and left.


at happened?" Aria asked  and noor said " she didn't said anythi-" she was saying just then door got opened revealing sehrish and she straight went towards evaan and said " yes evaan I'll marry you"


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