I was sitting in my class and all my classmates were busy in their own world because the period was free, I was so disturbed with that yesterday's incident happened in my house.

I was busy until my friend, my only friend in this university, she came towards me, actually she is very sweet and kind unlike other people.

"Hey amaira" Luna came towards me with a beautiful smile plastered on her face. She took the seat beside me.

"How are you?" She asked me while removing her cap

"I'm good" i said and she looked at me

"Are you sure! You look tensed amaria, is everything ok"she asked me and I was hesitant whether to tell her or not, i don't know if she will believe me or not.

"Actually Luna,...." I paused for a second and then took a deep breath and said

"A very weird incident happened yesterday at my house" i said and she straighten her poster

"What? Is everything ok ?" She looked worried


I was almost done with my salah and was doing Tashahhud but suddenly i felt someone's presence near me, i got scared. But i diverted my attention on salah and started doing my work until I felt someone's presence near me, this time I felt someone's intense gaze on me.

The hair on my body straighten due to fear. Suddenly I heard a deep husky voice near my ear sending goosebumps, shiver to my body, "Missed me sweetheart" i felt my heart beat stop and my breath hitched for a brief moment.

A sudden fear rise in my body. Bead of sweat formed on my forehead, i somehow finished my salah and immediately travelled my gaze throughout the whole room only to find silence.

I stood up on my feet and went to check everywhere,....but there was no one but I was still feeling an intense gaze on me. Like someone is watching me from somewhere.

My breathing was uneven. I was feeling so scared.

I was feeling s uneasy so i decided to recite Qur'an.

I went inside my room and begin to recite Qur'an to divert my mind from that incident. But only one thought was lingering in my mind, was that a jin,or a person,.

What if he was a theif? Should I call the cops?

I Shaked my head and started reciting.


"WHAT!!!" luna's reaction was understandable. Her eyes was wide opened and mouth hung low in fear

"Amu I'm telling you, you should contact a molana, what if it was a jin" she said and i shaked my head as no, convincing her even tho I was scared as hell. I was feeling the same fear

"No Luna, i always perform salah and recite Qur'an, how can jin enter" i said trying to convince her more like convincing myself.

"Then what if he was a theif? We should tell the cops" she said and i smiled knowing she care for me genuinely.

"Don't worry Luna, I'm fine, I won't involve cops as long as I'm fine or as long as i find any clue" i said and we heard bell ring and just then I saw Azael coming inside the classroom like a spoiled kid with his minions.

He smirked at me and i rolled my eyes and he winked at me. He is such a playboy.


I was doing some business work on my laptop but i couldn't focus, my mind was filled with the thought of Noor, what she must be doing, will she have eaten? Could she be sleeping?

I sigh and closed the laptop and put it beside on bed. I was blankly staring the my beside where noor used to sleep. It's just been few hours but i couldn't think straight. I'm already missing her.

I never knew i would miss her like this. "Noor you have corrupted my mind begam."

I stood up and went to my balcony to have fresh air.

"Calm down daiyan Malik, it's just been few hours, you have to stay away from her till 2 more days."

Ahhh but I can't stay away from her anymore, why why this meeting.

"I have to think for something" i said and started to think.

"It's 10 at night and she usually sleep at 11, and her hometown is at 1 hour of distance but if i drive at my speed I can reach there in half an hour.

So" i smirked at my own thoughts and patted my shoulder saying

"Well done daiyan malik, from where you get these ideas" i said and i went inside my room and opened my wardrobe.

I took my car keys and headed but halted on my steps saying

"But what if she asked whey I'm here???" I said and make a crying face

"C'mon Muhammad daiyan Malik think for a good reason " i said and started to think while roaming in my room here and there

"Ya Allah please help me" i said and sat on my bed while thinking just then my eyes landed on her dressing table. Her jhumka was laying on it. I smiled and went to pick it up.

I pick up the jhumka and smiled looking at my reflection.

"I'm coming begam" i said and kissed the jhumka and put it inside my pant's pocket.

I slowly slowly reached near the gate whithout getting caught. I was walking like a theif at my own house, I was about to open the gate when I heard Halima's voice

"Bhai" aish, she said and i closed my eyes realising I'm caught up now

I slowly turned around and saw her standing in her night suit with coffee mug

"What are you doing here at this hour" I asked her and she gave me puzzled look

"I have to ask this question bhai" she said raising her eye brows

"You're questioning me?" I asked and she nodded saying

"Where were you going bhai, and too at night" she said and i roamed my eyes everywhere thinking for a reason

"I-" i couldn't think of anything

"Yeah i i have to deal with some business work yeah business work " i said making false excuse and she squeezed her eyes and then said

"Oh okay Bhai , be careful. Allah hafiz " she said and went towards her room.

I sigh and turned around and went towards my car. I opened the car gate and went inside and started the engine saying "Bismillah" i said and smiled saying

"Wait for me begam jaan" i said and dashed my car out of the gate and drove at the highest speed because I had to reach there as soon as possible.

"Wallahi I'm so excited, I'm feeling like a teenager lover is going to meet his girlfriend " i said and chuckled at my own thoughts.

After driving for exact half an hour i finally reached there but the whole place was silent, I parked my car near a dark shaddy area where no one can see me or my car.

Her house was at few steps and i could see all the wedding lights of her house because it was shaadi ka ghar.

I step out of my car and wore my mask so no one can recognise me, it's not like I'm doing any crime I'm here to meet my wife but you know Muhammad daiyan Malik don't do these things often so people will start questioning.

I somehow like a theif reached near her house and I saw no one was outside,

I looked up towards her room and the lights of her room was off, i think she  slept early today.

I started to look for a way from where I could reach to her room but there was none.

There was only one way I can reach to her room, and that was, i have to cross her parent's balcony then I'll reach to her balcony.

"Ye Ishq najane aur kya kya karwayega mujhse (i don't know what more this love would make me do)" i said and went near the wall saying" c'mon Muhammad daiyan Malik,you can do it " i said and started to climb through the water pipe. It was kinda tough to climb on it because sometimes my hands were slipping and it became red. After many attempts i successfully reached near her railing I was so happy and was shifting my hands because my hands were paining due to hanging and in excitement i accidently hit the flowers vase and it broke making a loud thud in the silent night

I immediately hide below the railing actually I was hanging on it risking my life. In no time her dad came after opening the door of the balcony

"Who's there?" He said and i closed my eyes fearing to get caught

"Who's there?" Her mother also came behind him and asked

"Idk maybe cat,, she broke the pot" he said and throw the broken pot and I was feeling like I'll fall because of the imense pain due to hanging.

He then went inside along with his wife and closed the door and I sigh and took the railing and climbed and jumped on the balcony.

I put a hand on my hip and took a deep breath

"It was so hard to climb" i said and I was breathing heavily. "I was literally hanging there for 10 minutes" i said and looked at her room

"I'm risking my life only to see the love of my life" i said and jumped on her balcony which was attached to her parents balcony.

I slowly opened the door and peeked through it to see if she is awake because of the vase breaking sound. But the whole room was silent.

I went inside just then my eyes landed on the angelic figure laying on the bed sleeping peacefully like a small kid. Moonlight was coming from the windows making her angelic features more sharp and beautiful.

I took slow yet silent steps not to disturb her sleep. My eyes were not leaving her face, she was looking so ethereal.

I reached near her bed and adjusted myself on the floor.

Just near her side I was sitting on the floor. I was constantly staring at her without blinking, "I can stare at you like this my whole life without getting bore" i said and smiled and I saw some hair strand was falling on her face which was disturbing her,so i moved my hand towards her face and removed it and my fingers brushed her face and she wriggle in her sleep.

I love to see my effect on her.

"I don't know what magic you have done to my heart but it always flutter whenever I see you, or it stopped beating when ur not near me.

I was not a desparate person but just to have a glimpse of you, i came all along driving and climbing like crazy " i spoke in a low audible voice and chuckled at my earlier actions.

I stood up and bend down to kiss her forehead when my hand came in contact with the flower vase near the table and it got dis balanced and broke Making a loud breaking voice, not only this but also disturbing the peaceful sleep of my queen,...

She jerked opened her eyes and when she saw me this close in the dark room she couldn't recognise me and shout her lungs out.

"Ahhhhhhmm-------" i immediately shut her mouth putting my hand on her mouth preventing her from shouting but she started wriggling and in that we both lost balance and ended up falling on her bed.

"Shhh shhh begam it's me, daiyan" i said and when she heard it she stopped moving and then looked direct in my eyes and then i removed my hands from her mouth and she spoke in a concerned voice with wide eyes, "what are you doing here mr malik!?" She spoke desperately and i blinked continuously just when we heard a knock on the door.

We both widen our eyes when we heard," appi!!!appi are you ok? Is there anyone in your room?" It was evaan and she immediately pushed me and I landed on the other side of the bed.

"Mr malik, you need to hide fast, what will he think If he find out you are in my room " she said panicking and moving here and there telling me to hide.

"He won't think anything begam, I'm your sauhar (husband)" i said and she gave me a done face.

"Mr mal--" she was about to say something but again we heard a knock

"Appi are you ok? Now I'm worried. Why you screamed" he said and she was looking tensed," mr malik go from where you came" she said and i said

"I came through the balcony" i said and she widened her eyes"WHATT!!" She almost shouted

"You came through the balcony, are you serious mr malik " she said and i nodded

"Appi" we again heard his voice so this time Noor dragged me in the bathroom

"Stay here" she said and turned around to leave but stopped , "no this is not a safe place" she said and again dragged me near the curtains and hide me behind it, "don't move mr malik, got it " she said and i nodded

like a kid. She then opened the door.


Thank you so much for reading 😊

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Love from Mahek 🫶

May Allah SWT bless us this ramadan ✨

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