"Let's go" i said to mr Malik who was waiting for me outside the car.

"Where is sehrish,?" He asked me about her and how do I tell him  what she is feeling.

"Actually mr malik she isn't feeling well so she is resting." I said and he think for sometime and said

"Ok then call aira, she will accompany you because I have to leave for a meeting" he said and i felt sad because he is again behaving cold.

I called her and she said and she will be ready in 10 minutes but the problem was her house is on opposite direction

"Mr Mali-" I was about to say but before me he said

"Don't worry I'll tell Zayn to bring her to the mall directly" he said and i smiled because he knew what i was about to say.

"Okay" i said and settled myself in the car and drove off to the mall.

After sometime we reached the mall, but luck wasn't on my side. My seat belt got stuck.

"Allah what it's problem!" I said and tried for few times but as usual it wasn't opening.

Suddenly he came near my face making me startled and my breath got stuck,......

His fingers touched mine which I placed on the seat belt and so smoothly he unlocked the seat belt.

Our eyes met and again like always I got lost in his dark brown eyes.

There is something magical in his eyes.

Something which attracts me towards him.

My heart was thumping so loudly that I was afraid that he can hear it.

Our staring competition got interrupted by a knock on our window

"Ummmm.......if you both are done then aria is waiting" Zayn said whithout looking at us and i felt so shy

He went away and mr malik went back to his place and opened the gate and came to me and opened the car door for me.

Ya Allah Princess treatment.........

"You go do your shopping and call me when ur done" he said and i nodded.

I took few steps then i heard his voice

"Khuda Hafiz begam" he said and i looked at him, I was trying to hide my smile and blush.

"Khuda Hafiz mr malik" i said and went towards Zayn and aria


"Stop staring at me Zayn" aria said while rolling her eyes on him

"It's my eyes, I can stare at whatever I want" he said knowing it will trigger her

"Btw same pinch dear aria" he said and she looked at him with confused face

"Why?" She asked him and he smiled cheekily and said

"Your hijab and my coat is twinning" he said and then she realised that they both were literally looking like a couple twinning clothes.

"Why Allah why you made me wear the same colour as him" she said loud for him to hear it

"Don't you think Allah also want us to be together " he said and that time aria gave him a death glare and he shut his mouth immediately.

"Miss aria let me know what you are wearing in evaan's nikkah so I'll be ready with the same colour as you" he said and rolled her yes making him laugh

"Never in my life I'll twin with you again" she said and he smirked and said

"Don't worry we both will make twin" he said and she widen her eyes and said

"Astagfirullah -" she was about to say more but Noor came interrupting their quarrel.

"You both are again fighting!" She said and took a sigh

"Bhabhi i wasn't fighting, she is the one who always love to fight with me, wild kitten" he said and aria went close to him and said

"Because you are always yearning for my attention mr Zayn Malik " she said and turned around but she got tripped on her Abaya and lost her balance and she holds Zayn's shirt and he was about to hold her arms but stopped in mid way

"What are you doing miss mashallah?" He said panicking because it was haram for him to touch her and she was almost hanging

"Aish shut up, noor stop laughing and come and help me " she said and noor suppressed her laugh and hold her arms and made her stand properly

"Ya rabbi, jazakallah khair Noor" she said and Zayn gave her a "are you serious" look

"What?" She asked him

"You were literally hanging on me so apparently i saved you so i also deserve a thank you" he said and she rolled her yes and turned around saying

"Keep yearning for my attention mr Zayn Malik, maybe one day you will get it" she said and took noor's hand and went inside.

"Oh my beloved aria, Zayn be sacrificed on you, jazakallah rabbi for bringing her in my life, please Allah help me to win her, please make our path easy, together and halal" he Said and went towards the parking area to went to his company.


"Bro aren't you coming to club?" His friends asked him looking at him and asking for the fifth time

"Bro i told you no I'm not coming now get lost from here" he said getting annoyed

"Bro don't worry jack is giving us treat" he said and his friend smirked saying

"You should have told me this before." He said and they laughed together.

"Btw azael bro there is transferred girl came in our college, she is a Muslim" he said and Azael squeezed his eye brows.

"I don't care whoever she is as I'm not interested in these shits, if I want I can get 100 of girls " he said and he turn around to leave when he was about to bumped on someone but that person hit him with her bag leaving him land on the floor.

"Wt-" he was to curse but his words guy cut in his mouth when he saw her angelic features.

White loose pants with grey baggy top with jacket and white hijab looking totally like an angel

She was about to leave when his friend said

"Excuse me miss, u pushed him atleast say a simple sorry" he said and she turned towards him with a blank face and said

"Why would I say sorry when your so called friend don't know how to walk" she said and Azael stands up on his feet with a smirk on his face

"Attitude, I like it miss" he said and smiled and she showed no emotion

"What's ur name miss?" He asked her but she went away without telling him her name.

"Hayeeee this girl took my heart, my zohra zabi" he said and looked at her disappearing fighure.


"I want every detail of that girl,every fucking detail, YOU GET IT" He said to something and that person nodded his head and went away without a word

He was sitting in his room with one leg crossed and hands containing cigarette, puffing time to time and watching her on his laptop


Everyone was talking and chit chatting with their classmates and Azael was sitting with his friends, some were massaging his hands and he was chewing his gum.

Just the professor entered in the classroom and everyone greeted him except the brat man Azael.

He was sitting like he owns the place.

The prof. Shaked his head and announced something.

" We have a new student with us students so please treat her well" he said

"You can come dear" he said and the girl entered the classroom and Azael eyes was wide open seeing her

"My zohra zabi" he said with a smile

"Bro don't tell me you fell for her at first sight " he said with a weird face looking at Azael.

"I don't know about love but I'm surely attracting towards her" he said and sat straight when their eyes met

"Introduce yourself" prof, said and she said

"Assalamualaikum, my name is Amaira Noor, i don't want get along with y'all, it would be good if y'all mind your own business rather than nagging in my life" she said making the whole class gave her weird look except one person

"Wow i like her attitude, she is literally attaching me" Azael said and his friends face palmed themselves.

"Go and sit beside Lia" he said and Lia raised her hands and she went to sit with her



We are almost done with our shopping. We are doing the shopping of evaan's marriage, i was feeling so bad for sehrish but I can't do anything.

"Noor, I want to talk something"aria said with seriousness in her voice

"What happened Ari?" She asked her

"It's about evaan and sehrish" she said and noor got what she is about to say

"I think sehrish loves him" she said and noor nodded saying

"I know she loves him Ari but i don't know what to do, I'm really feeling very helpless" noor said and aria was looking tensed.

"I never thought evaan will have a crush on Erva, like i know she is a very kind girl but," she was about to say something more but noor's phone ringed

"Wait a minute mr malik is calling" and said and excused herself

"Yes mr malik we are done" she said and few seconds later ended the call.

"Ari mr malik is waiting outside, let's go" she said and they both headed outside.

"Ari come let's have a cup of tea at my house " noor said but aria said

"Noor i would love to buy you know my students must be waiting in madarasa, I have to leave " she said and noor nodded and hugged her

"Zayn drop her safely " daiyan said to Zayn who was standing beside his car leaning on the door.

"Yes bhai" he said and opened the door for aria and she raised her eye brows

"What??" Zayn asked seeing her with confused look

"What is this"she asked him

"Princess treatment!" He said cheekily and she asked

"Why?" She again asked

"Miss aria my Amma raised me well, she taught my how to treat a lady" he said and aria felt a ticklish feeling inside her stomach. She broke the eye contact and went inside without any argument.

"What happened mr malik?" She asked him when he stopped the car

He went outside and went to open the door for Noor and she came out.

"Let's have a tea begam, ......I....I ... actually I'm having little headache so" he said ...... correction he lied to her about his headache.


It was a local tea shop( tapri), the weather was cloudy and windy was caressing our bodies

We sat on the bench and he went to bring two tapri tea. Not gonna lie I just love tapri ki chai. The smell of it make me feel so good.

After few minutes he came with two cup and gave the one to me.

It was looking so romantic like we are sitting on local tea shop sipping our mutka tea with wind blowing softly,

I was lost in my thoughts when he said

" Meethi nhi h(It's sweet less)" he said then i sip mine and mine was sweet

"Meethi to h ( it is sweet)"i said the he offered me his tea and said

"You yourself check" he said and i take a sip from his and it was sweet.

"Meethi to h ( it is sweet)" i said looking at him and he again took a sip from his cup exactly from where I sipped and said

"Ab meethi h( now it's sweet)" he said and i don't know why i felt my whole face becoming a red tomato. Crimson red colour crept on my face and i felt butterflies dancing in my stomach.


"Amaira Noor! Sweetheart got a beautiful name" the man said sitting like a king said

" Bismillah " he said before puffing the cigarette.

"She is a Muslim, you can't t

ouch her" the man who was standing infront of him said.

"Who said i wanna touch her " he said with a smirk plastered on his face

He opened the laptop and on the CCTV live recording and watches her each and every move.

That time she was performing her salah

"I'LL MAKE YOU MINE AMAIRA NOOR,oh my beloved Allah give me strength to make her mine" he said and smirked.

He is beast who can make satan confuse by his actions.

He say Bismillah before puffing the cigarette.

He is a beast at the same time on his Deen.


Thank you so much for reading

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Love from Mahek 🫶

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