"now she is fine and you can take her to home" doctor said to daiyan and he became happy and his mother was thanking Allah

"Sukriya doctor" he said and turned towards his mother with a beautiful smile which can be seen from miles.

"Bhai Jaan I'm going to take her to my house" evaan said and daiyan who was happy a moment ago became sad

"But why evaan!" Zayn asked him and he said

"I really missed her so much and i can't risk again, because of y'all she suffered" evaan was still angry, he is very possesive towards his sister, he said and daiyan turned around to talk to him

"Evaan I'm really very sorry for what happened but if I had a slightest of idea that something like this could happen i would never left her for a single second, you don't know how I was feeling seeing her like this,.......my heart is clenching..... please don't take her away from me please for the sake of allah don't take her away " he literally begged infront of him and evaan felt his each and every word was genuine. He just hummed and said

"Ok" he said and they all went in her room.

It was night time and they all were at home and noor was finding daiyan because he wasn't in their room.

"Sehrish, you know where mr malik is?" She asked her and she smiled saying

"Bhabhi he went in study room" she said and she thanks her went towards his study room.

She was limping while walking because of accident. She stopped infront of the door, she knocked on it but didn't get any reply, she knocked again but still no reply so she twisted the knob and opened it.

"Mr malik" she said and went inside the room and was about to say something but her eyes caught something which was unexpected for her

"Mr mal--" she stopped on her spot and her words got stuck in her mouth.

Her eyes made tears automatically and her eyes left the tears which was forming in her eyes.

She was feeling so happy and emotional that time.....

"Ya Allah sukr alhamdulillah, ya rabbi thank you so much for leading him to right path, oh my beloved Allah thank you so much for giving him hidayah" she said and wiped the tears from her eyes just then daiyan completed his salah and his eyes landed on her.

He hurriedly went towards her and said

"Begam!! Are you ok,? Why you came here? You should rest.... doctor clearly told you not to walk" he said while panicking seeing her crying

But he got stopped when she suddenly hugged him and he was taken aback by her move but later he hugged her back.

"Begam" he called her softly that anyone can melt

"Why are you crying" he asked her and she didn't said anything and broke the hug and without saying anything she left hurriedly.

He became worried more so he run after her.

She opened the door of her room and went straight to the bathroom.

He came in her room and called her but later she came back from the bathroom with sad face

He went towards her and asked

"What happened?? Why u ran away like that?" He asked her and she said nothing

"Ok don't worry just take a rest" he said and was about to leave but she said

"Mr malik tonight is the night of shab-e-meraj" she said and he turned around and nodded his head saying

"I know begam and I'm going to do ibadah" he said which make her happy but she said

"I also want to do " she said but he said

"But begam you're not well "he said and she looked down and said

"But i got my periods " she said while looking down and he felt sad for her because she really wanted to do ibadah. He went near her and cupped her face which send 440 volts to her.

"Don't be sad Begam Jaan" he said and she felt her heart dropped in the stomach.

He hold her hand and moved towards his study room. He opened the door and they both entered and all the time Noor was just looking at their both intertwined hands ,she was literally on ninth cloud.

He opened the prayer mat and sat on it. She was just looking at him with confusion.

"Begam lay here" he said pointing towards his lap and she became shocked

"Huh!" She was beyond shocked

"You can't pray at this time and in Volume 1, Book 6, Number 296: Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet used to lean on my lap and recite Qur'an while I was in menses. Our prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam (peace be upon him) used to do this so I'm just following him. I can't put my head on ur lap because you're not well and it will might pain you " he said and that time Noor was just feeling like crying because of happiness. she was thanking Allah for this. She gathered courage and layed her head on his lap and he started caressing her hands.

She felt she got everything. After that he started reciting Qur'an and all the night he did Ibadah while she was laying on his lap.

•At evaan's house

"Evaan are you going to meet Noor?" His mother asked him and he just nodded his head

"Take Erva with you and tell the good news to Noor" his mother said and he smiled unknowingly when he saw her standing infront of him in beautiful long gown with a almond coloured hijab

"Assalamualaikum" she said and he smiled saying

"Walaikum assalam Erva" he said and smiled again saying

"Mashallah!!" He said and she blushed at his words

"Shall we go, I want to meet Noor appi" Erva said and he nodded and they both went towards the car and drove for the Malik's mansion

After sometime they reached and the guard opened the gate recognising evaan.

"Assalamualaikum!" Evaan said and the guard smiled whike replying

"Walaikum assalam evaan baba"

They both went out of the car and entered in the house.

Erva was the first who entered like she has went there many times

"Assalamualaikum auntyyyy" she said with a adorable chubby smile while hugging daiyan's mom

"Oh my beloved Erva, where were you bacha" she said and kissed her forehead

"Aunty you know I went US for studies. Btw where is my sweet pie?" She asked and her mother laughed at the nickname and told her that she is in her room.

Without wasting time she went inside her room and just then Evaan entered in the house saying

"Assalamualaikum aunty" he said and she replied

"Walaikum assalam evaan, come beta sit here I'll call Noor and everyone, actually Sehrish's friend Erva also came just now" she said and was about to call Noor when she entered

"Evaan!!" She called him with excitement he stands up seeing her and they both hugged eachother

"Assalamualaikum appi, how are you?" He said with a beautiful smile and she smiled back saying

"Alhamdulillah I'm fine,.....how are you?" She asked him just then sehrish and Erva came in the living room catching everyone's attention

"Noor appi" she chanted and went to hug her.

"Oh my Allah, when did you come Erva?" She asked her and she showed her cute little teeths.

"I came here to meet you and my best friend " she said and noor became confused

"Best friend?" She repeated

"Yes! Sehrish is my best friend, u remember i always used to talk about my bestie, it's her" she said and noor widened her eyes


"You both know eachother already" noor's mother in law asked them

"Yes aunty we are family friends" Erva said and noor nodded

"So you came here alone?" Noor asked her but she shaked her head

"No" she said "then?"Noor asked her

"I came here with evaan, actually we have a good news to tell y'all" she said and thing but sehrish.

"I don't know why but for some reason my heart is beating very fast. My heart is scared of her next sentence" sehrish though in her mind

Erva went towards sehrish and said

"So as you are my best friend, I'm telling you this new firstly that" with her each and every word sehrish heart was dropping in her stomach

"Me and evaan are getting married this week" she completed her sentence with extra excitement and everyone became happy except two people


"Really evaan?" She asked him and he nodded his head while blushing

"Sweet pie aren't you happy?" She asked sehrish after seeing her zoned out

"Huh-" ....."no no I'm very  happy for you trust me" she said while holding back her tears and when her eyes met with noor she looked away.

Her mother went to bring some sweet for them.

" Come and sit here y'all" they all sat but sehrish was about to leave when Erva said

"Sehruuu....where are you going come here" she said and sehrish wiped her tears without anyone knowing and smiled and sat with her.

"I never knew that you like her evaan" Noor asked him loud enough for him to hear

"Appi i have a crush on her since childhood" he said while scratching the back of his neck.

"What about her? Does she loves you?" She asked him and he nodded

"How do you know?" She asked him

"I have seen it in her eyes?" He said and she felt an emotion building in her body and she looked at sehrish while she was hiding her pain behind the smile.

"Why can't you see the love in her eyes"  Noor thought while looking at sehrish.

At night when everyone was done with dinner but sehrish didn't came to eat so Noor went in her room.

"Sehrish??" She asked but got no reply so she entered in the room

She wasn't in her room but the door of the balcony was opened so she entered inside. And there she saw sehrish sitting on the floor with her head burried in her knees crying messily

"Sehrish!" She said and went towards her she bend down to her level and sehrish looked upwards and hugged her while crying

"Shh calm down sehru calm down" she said and but she crying so much

"Bh-abhi you kno-w i love hi--m ,I love him so much"she said and noor caressed her back saying

"I know sehrish I know you love her" she said and sehrish looked at her and said

"Bhabhi please do something please i love him, if not him then no one" she said and ran away towards her bathroom and locked herself

"Sehrish please open the door please "  she knocked on the door

"Bha-bhi don't wo-rry i won't do anything, i just want to stay alone please " she said and noor went out.

" Ya Allah please help her ,give her sabr. Ya rabbi please help me i don't know what to do" she said and went inside her room and there she saw her mother in law

"Amma" she said and saw her looking at her

"Had medicine?" She asked her and she smiled nervously

"I was about to take " noor said and her mother in law gave her the medicine and she gulp it.

"Thank you so much noor " she said and noor became confused

"Why thank you Amma?"  She asked her and she smiled saying

"Your love made my daiyan return back to Allah " she said and noor sealed her lips with sad face

"I don't think he love me Amma" she said and her mother in law shaked her head and said

"No beta, i have seen him the way he looks at you" she said and noor became curious

"How does he look at me?" She asked her  and she hold Noor's hands and said

"The way you look at moon" she said and noor looked at moon and her heart started to beat rapidly with happiness.


Thank you so much for reading

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Love from Mahek 🫶

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