"Thank you so much for coming mr malik" dealer said while shaking hands

"It's my pleasure to work with you" i said and we sat and started our meeting.

Zayn was explaining everything but I was not focused, something was off. I was feeling very strange,..... it's not like i fell sick easily but I'm not feeling good.

"Excuse me please" i said and stand up to leave the meeting room

"Where are you going mr malik?" He asked me and i turned my heels to go out saying

"We will do the meeting after awhile I'm not feeling well right now" i said and excused myself and Zayn followed me and said

"Bhai are you ok?" He asked me and i reassured him saying

"Don't worry Zayn I'm fine just feeling little low and suffocated" i said and went in the garden for some fresh air.

The garden was not crowded. Few people were roaming there, some were talking with their partners. Suddenly i remember Noor, and my heart beat risen up but it was unusual like something strange. I was not feeling good the way i remembered her and this feeling.

I found a empty bench and went to seat there isolating myself from the crowd.

"What is this feeling?" I said and rubbed my left side chest right where my heart is.

"What is happening? It feels like someone is clenching my heart" i said and closed my eyes and a face appeared instantly wiping my all worries and pain

I opened my eyes and remember our small and cute interaction since our marriage. I was feeling and unease and suddenly i remembered dadi amma's words, she always told me if you feel like trapped in thoughts and feel uneasy, just close your eyes and you will get your answers.

I always do this and always alysa's face appeared so i closed my eyes again and the face appeared infront of me made me shock.

It wasn't alysa, .......it was Noor.

It means i lov-- no no i can't, it's impossible.

I love Alysa I can't love someone else.

Only she in my heart no no.

I was battling with my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing.

I took it and saw sehrish calling me, I sigh, I told her not to call me during meeting. I picked up and said

"Sehrish i told you not to call me during meet-" she didn't let me complete my sentence. She was looking panicked.

"B--hai Bhai pl-ease come fast bha-bhi " she said and i felt a sting pain and a fear is arising in my heart.

I felt sudden ache.

My palm started to feel sweaty, i stand up in hurry and my hands begun to shiver.

"What happened to her??" My voice was desparate. I was looking helpless

"Bhai come fast bha-bhi got into an accident"she said and my breath stopped for a moment. I wasn't able to process what she said

Without waiting any further i left the place and while going I saw Zayn,he called me but i ignored,my whole mind was stuck on her. I was feeling scared. What if something happened to her no no no.

We reached to India and the whole time I was having anxiety and a fear. Fear of loosing her. My hands were shaking and a kind of ache was arising in my heart.

I left Zayn on the airport and took my car which i ordered  my staff to bring to the airport. I drove to the hospital in full speed accelerating in full High speed, leaving all the vehicle behind. I wasn't driving at all, I was flying it. Bead of sweat formed on my forehead.

"Please Noor please hold for me. I'm coming please,"i said and stopped the car near hospital parking and went out in hurry. And dashed inside the hospital running. I went to the receptionist and asked her in a worried yet desparate tone.

"Where is my Noor??WHERE IS MY NOOR!!!" I shouted on her and then I heard sehrish,she came towards me and hugged me making my heart beat stop by the fear.

"B--hai Bhai bh-abhi" she cried hugging me and I was feeling scared .

"Sehrish where is she?" I asked her in a calm tone making my nerves little calm.

"In the operation theatre" she said and i moved my steps towards the operation theatre. With each step my heart beat was rising. I was feeling like someone is stopping me to go there.

I was able to hear my heart beat the way it was thumping in my rib cage. The same feeling when I lost Alysa.

I saw Amma crying while sitting and Halima was hugging her, she saw me and said

"Bhai!" Amma took her head up and looked at me and stands up and came towards me with hurried legs.

"Da--iyan my N-oor!" She was having difficulty in talking. No doubt just in few days Noor made a unbreakable bond with my family and with m-

She hugged me and started crying

"Daiyan please do something please save her" she said and i patted her head and said

"Calm down Amma nothing will happen" i said and went near the operation theatre room ,......i peeked through the glass of the door and my breathing got stopped when I saw her laying lifelessly on the bed with head bleeding and wires connected to her whole body.

My heart stopped beating and I was standing there like a paralyzed man.

I wasn't able to process everything. She was looking so pale.



I was consoling Amma when the thought of bhai hitt me. "Where is bhai?" I asked them but they have no clue...

" I saw him going to the left " Halima said and i told sehrish to take care of Amma.

"I'll go find him" i said and went towards where Halima told me

While checking every room I heard some painful sobs. It was like someone is suppressing the sobs. I went near where the voice was coming from.

I stopped near a room,....the door was slightly open. I peeked through the door and opened it to see inside and the view of inside made me stunned and speechless. It made me so emotional.

It was daiyan Bhai who was crying in sujood.

After Alysa bhabhi's death i have never saw him praying. But today saw him in sujood. He was crying in sujood and was saying something while crying. It was audible to me. It made my heart ache when I heard him.

""O Allah my bel-oved Allah, you are the most merciful,

ya al kab-eer please s-ave her. Ya Allah i know I'm very disobedient but ya rab please don't punish her for my sins ya Allah please she is my ev--erything please

protect her my rab. Oh my beloved Allah one of your servant is asking for your help my rab , th-ere is no one except you who can help me ya rahman please help me to bear this situation. Ya Allah i realised I love her pl--ease don't separate me from her now. I have lost one of my precious person now i can't loose her ya rab please show some merci on my heart. Ya rabbi give me sabr.

Hasbunallahu wani mal Wakil"

(Allah is enough for me and he is the best disposer of my affairs)

He was crying while sobbing and it made me emotional, i always knew he loved bhabhi so much and today he admit this.

My eyes made tears automatically seeing him like this.

He cried like this when Alysa bhabhi got into accident and left us and now he is crying for Noor bhabhi.

I always saw the love in his eyes for her.

He woke up from sujood and I saw his whole face wet in tears. After completing his salah he made dua and then woke up from the ground and i couldn't stop myself I went towards him and hugged him and I saw his eyes were red.

"B--hai" i said and he fall on his knees.

"Zayn i ca-n't see her like this Zayn, it's hur--ting me why Allah is punishing me in this way,,....I know I'm very disobedient,ya rab please give me sabr"he cried while saying this and I was feeling so bad for him

"Bhai he is al-Gaffar----- the forgiver,he will forgive you no matter how many sins you have did just go to him,....he is al-mum'in------the comforter ,he will comfort you Bhai he knows what you are going through,...we are his creation,he will not give pain which we can't bear" i tried to comfort him in the way possible. He was looking so pale and helpless.

"Daiyan"we heard amma's voice and looked towards the door and saw her standing looking at us with painful eyes

She came and hugged Bhai and Bhai started crying like a small kid hugging Amma.

"Am-ma n-oor m-y Noor"he was trying to make words but he was stuttering.

"Shhh beta don't cry Allah is with you he will not let anything happen to her" she said and kissed his side head

"Amma be sacrificed on you my son don't cry Amma be sacrificed on your happiness" she said and patted hi back and rubbed it and bhai was crying .

"Ya rabbi my beloved rab please give him sabr , ya Allah i can't see my son in pain . Oh my Allah give us sabr to bear this pain........" She said and hugged him

She cupped his face and said " recite Hasbunallah wank mal wakeel"

(Allah is enough for me and he is the best disposer of my affairs)

"Hasbunallah wani mal wakeel

Hasbunallah wani mal wakeel

Hasbunallah wani mal wakeel"

He was crying and reciting dua and I was feeling ache seeing my strong Bhai like this.


"How is she doctor?" I asked the doctor when he was coming out of the operation theatre

"See mr malik I'm sorry to say but she has lost so much of her blood because of the accident and because of that her condition is getting worse and..." He paused while saying making me more worried

"AND WHAT" I shouted because my mind was going numb

"If she won't get her consciousness soon then she came go on coma and it will be impossible to save her" he said and i felt my whole world collapsed infront of my eyes.

I was feeling like my whole world is shattered now and someone is crushing it.

"Daiyan you go and see her beta" Amma told me to go but I was feeling scared. I can't see her like this

"I can't Amma I'm not that strong " i said and she patted my back and said

"Have faith in Allah ok" she said and i moved inside the room

"Ya rab give me sabr" the first thing I saw was her laying on the bed lifelessly attached with machines and that beep beep sound was making me heart beat go crazy.

I went near her and sit beside her .

I was just looking at her with numb eyes.

I leaned towards her face and kissed her forehead and said

"I love you noor i really do please wake up please don't punish me like this, I'm not strong enough to bear this pain" i said and kissed the back of her hand.

" أَسْـأَلُ اللهَ العَـظيـم، رَبَّ العَـرْشِ العَـظيـم أَنْ يَشْفِيَكَ "

"As'alu Allah al 'azim rabbil 'arshil azim an yashifika."

( I ask Allah, the Mighty, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, to cure you.)

I recite this dua and blew air on her face.

"Oh Allah my beloved Allah, you are Ash-shafi, the healer ,oh my beloved rab please heal my beloved love my Noor ya rabbi cure her please take care of her . Ya Allah she has put her all faith in you. Ya Allah she is one of your Beloved creation. Please Allah heal her"i said and wiped my tears aand again kissed

her forehead.


Some heartful incidents are compulsory to make someone realise your worth

Thank you so much for reading


Love from mahek

Allah hafiz 🤍

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