I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes got locked with a pair of brown eyes which was staring at me with i don't know what emotions.

My heart was thumping rapidly, i was clutching his collar and he was holding me in his arms. I was so lost in his eyes that I forget that I'm in his arms, he cleared his throat and i came back to reality

"Be careful begam, i won't be always present to hold you" he said and i was staring at his deep ocean filled eyes until he said

"I think you are loving staying in my arms begam........" he said bringing me back to earth and i got panicked and he made me stand on my feet.

"I'-m sorr-y actua--lly I was taking those glasses but it was too up " i slapped myself in my mind for stuttering.

"Wait I'll do it " he said and take those glasses down and gave it to me.

"Jazakallah "i said and he hummed and left and I took a deep sigh

"Noor be careful, his words are way more intimate then him..!!"i said to myself and pour the juice and went out .


He went towards where she was standing alone and was sipping her juice. He stood behind her at a distance and when she turned around she got startled by his presence and put her hands on her chest and said

"Astagfirullah Zayn!" Aria said and Zayn laughed at her horrified face.

"Stop laughing mr " she said and he raised an eyebrow asking

"Why miss aria? And why you said astagfirullah?!! Am i astagfirullah to you??" He asked her and she rolled her eyes and said

"Your whole existence is astagfirullah mr Zayn Malik" she said and he smiled looking at her and said

"And your whole existence is mashallah miss aria" he said and she squeezed her eyes in tiny just then her shoulder was about to get bumped with a waiter when he hold the hem of her dress carefully not touching her and pulled her a little towards him but not very

"Don't touch me Zayn it's haram!!" She said and he smiled and said

"I didn't touched you dear aria I just hold the hem Because the waiter was about to bumped on you" he said and she immediately lowered her gaze and said

"Ohhhh jazakallah" she said and he looked at her amazingly

"What you said miss aria I didn't hear??" He teased her and she made an done face

"I didn't said anything" she said and was about to go but he stood infront of her

"You get angry very easily" he said and she fake smiled and said

"And you very well know how to make me angry right"she said while crossing her hands on her chest

"Btw miss aria you noticed something!!" He said and she joint her eye brows in confusion

"What??" She spit directly

"Your hijab and my kurta is matching" he said and when she looked at his kurta it was same colour as her hijab

"So what!!"she said with a attitude face

"So i guess asked bhabhi that what I'm going to wear so you can twin with me, ain't you " he said and wide opened her eyes and mouth

"Don't assume things mr Zayn, don't fly too high. I think u need to cut your wings" she said and went away from there and Zayn smiled at her disappearing fighure and put his hand on his chest and said

"Oh my beloved Allah, give me strength this woman is making me weak" he said and smiled and went away.

There was someone who was standing in the corner and was admiring someone with so much love and adoration.

"Sehrish let's go and talk to him" she encouraged herself and took a step but moved backward again shaking her head

"I can't talk......he will think of me as desparate no no"she talked to herself and sit on the nearby chair. Just then she saw him coming in her direction. He came and stood infront of her with smile

"Assalamualaikum sehrish" he said and was just so shocked and lost in his heavenly features. His deep voice was enough to send electric current to her body.

"Sehrish!!!" He called her and he came back to reality

"Walaikum assalam evaan" she said and smiled nervously

"Ya Allah why I'm nervous" she said in her mind

"How are you doing??" He asked her and she stood straight and adjusted her dupatta on her head and said

"Alhamdulillah I'm doing good,how are you and everyone at home?" She replied while encouraging her self

"Ummmm can you tell me where is Noor appi.?? Actually I'm taking my leave !" He said and she became sad on the thought of him going and she won't be able to see him

"She was in the kitchen I guess" she said and left from there and he also went towards kitchen.


It was mid night and everyone was in their room probably sleeping.

Noor was sleeping peacefully but her sleep got interrupted when she heard some weird noises coming from her nearby.

She didn't payed attention and turned around and tried to sleep. But she felt her bed slowly shaking like someone is jerking their self on it.

She opened he eyes and heard some heavy breathing near her. Her heard started to beat rapidly, she roamed her eyes in there room. The room was covered in the darkness and only moon light was coming from the window.

She sit on her place and her eyes suddenly fall on her beside where daiyan was sleeping peacefully but right now he was not sleeping peacefully at all.

His all body was wet in sweat and forehead has some beads of sweat, body jerking and eyes were continuously flowing tears. It was looking like he was having a nightmare. He was looking so helpless.

He was shaking his head here and there and was blabbering something which is not audible.

Noor panicked seeing him like this and went towards him and started to shake him.

"Mr malik!!!"" She called him and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"No n-o plea--se don't le--ave me please " he was saying something and was saying no continuously.

"Mr malik please wake up i can't see you like this " she said and her eyes formed tears by looking at him .

"I ca-n't liv--e wit--hout you my love please i love you so m--uch " he said and she was holding her tears and was shaking him

"Alysa pl-ease don--'t leave me , i can't live wit--hout you my love ple--ase I need you " he said and the tears she was holding finally rolled down to her cheeks and she felt someone stabbed her heart when she heard his first wife name from his mouth for the first time.

"Mr malik please wake up, shhh it's nothing it's just a nightma--" she didn't complete his sentence when he jerked opened his eyes and hugged her suddenly making her shocked

"Please do-n't leave me Alysa pl-ease" he was thinking her as Alysa and she bite her lower lip to prevent her son and patted hus back to calm him

"Shhh I'm here with you don't worry"she said and he was breathing heavily and after sometime he finally parted away from her and he was staring at her face with so much emotions.

"Noor!!" He said and she smiled,wiped his tears and said

"Yes!!! I'm sorry I'm Noor not Alysa, you wait here I'll bring water for you" she said and was about to leave when he hold her hand sand said

"Don't hold me Noor, I'm just a broken glass" he said and she smiled looking at him and sit beside him and cupped hus face in her hands and said

"I'm ready to bleed" she said and he felt and sudden rush in his body. He wasn't ready to accept that emotion for her. She smiled with pain.


"Sir you have to attend a business meeting in Europe" Zayn said and he hummed in response while working on his laptop.

"You have to leave now it's your flight time" he said and daiyan looked at him and nodded his head and took his phone and coat and was ready to leave when Zayn stopped him

"Are you going directly from here??" He asked him and he nodded his head and said

"Yes and I'll inform Amma don't worry" he said and Zayn went towards him and asked

"What about bhabhi??" He asked him and the yesterday's incident flashed in his head. He was ignoring her from the morning

"I...i" he was thinking something

"Bhai you are married now she is your responsibility so you should go after meeting her and telling her" he said and left and daiyan looked at his disappearing fighure

"Sometimes he behave like big brother" he said and smiled and leave for his house.

"Assalamualaikum beta, you're home this time?" His mother asked him seeing him coming inside the house

"Actually Amma i have to leave for Europe for a business meeting" he said and her mother smiled and nodded and said

" So you're here to bid goodbye to your begum!!" She said in a teasing way and left before he could say anything shouting

"She is upstairs in your room!" She said and left with small giggle and he smiled at her mother

He went upstairs and knocked on the door and heard her voice

"Sehrish come why are you knocking" she thought it's sehrish. He went inside and saw her sitting on her prayer mat and reciting Qur'an. Her full focus was on reading that she didn't even glanced at him. He went towards her and sit beside her on his kne leg, he was listening to her reading and he was feeling a kind of peace while listening to it. He wanted to hear this his whole life. He closed his eyes and felt each words which was coming out of her mouth.

وسيعطيك ربك.وسوف تكون راضيا

(And your lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied)

وهو معك أينما كنت

(And he is with you wherever you are)

After sometime she closed her Qur'an and when she turned her face she saw him sitting beside her and his eyes was closed. She called him

"Mr malik!!" He was so lost that he didn't respond

"Mr malik!!!" She again called him and he jerked opened his eyes and looked at her

"You here??" She asked him and he was looking here and there for a reason that why he is here

"Actua-lly" he said and he was staring at him

"Remember daiyan remember why you came here" he thought in his head

"Oh yeah actually I was going to Europe for a business meeting so I just came to inform Everyone " he said and stood and she did the same. She went towards her table where she write and put Qur'an on the upper shelf.

"Oh okay mr malik be careful may Allah protect you. In sha Allah you will accomplish for the thing you are going there." She said and he unknowingly smiled and nodded his head . He was about to go but she stopped him saying

"Mr malik wait" she went towards him and recite dua and blew air on his face, he closed his eyes and then opened it when she said

"Now you can go" she said and he nodded and went out and she followed him .

"Take care of yourself son may Allah help you in everything. May Allah bless you with everything halal things possible " she said and kissed his forehead

"Sukriya Amma" he said and she smiled saying

"Amma be sacrificed on you my beloved son "they bid goodbye and she kissed zayn's forehead too and blessed him and recite the dua for j

ourney Because she knew daiyan is not going to recite it. She blew air on both of them and they took their leave.


Not everytime, everything happened the way we want

Thank you so much for reading

Allah Hafiz 🤍

Love from mahek♡

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