The title was eye catching, i unbox the parcel and took out the book. The title was written in bold letters easy for readers to understand the whole book just by a mere glimpse.

"Let me see what so special about her book" i said and opened the book, i wanted to know why many people are crazy for her books. Yes after knowing little bit about her I got to know that she is a kind of famous writer,....so I thought to read and see what so special. I just opened the first page until I heard a knock

"What the fuc---" I was about to curse but then her words flashed in my head

"Don't curse it's haram" i smiled unknowingly and permit him to come. It was Zayn, he came towards me

"Bhai let's go everything is ready for the meeting" he said and i nodded my head and hide the book inside my table and went with him for meeting after taking my coat and phone.


"Sehrish!....go and bring your bhabhi for lunch,she hasn't eaten anything since morning" her mother told her to bring Noor for lunch because she wasn't coming out from her room.

"Okay Amma"she said and went to her room. She knocked on her door and said

"Bhabhi!!! Come and have lunch please, everyone is waiting for you" she said softly and after few minutes Noor replied

"Sehrish tell everyone to eat I'm not hungry. Tell Amma I'll eat later" she said without opening the door

Sehrish went to her mother and said

"Amma she said she will eat later" she said and her mother looked worried

"She is tensed because of yesterday's incident" her mother said " you go and tell everyone to eat I'm going in noor's room" she said and sehrish nodded her head and went towards dining area and her mother left for noor's room.

"Noor!!!" She knocked on her door

"Ji Amma" she replied immediately

"Can I come in beta?" She asked and in no time Noor opened the door of her room with nervous face. Her face was looking dull and eyes was red

She entered in her room and sit on the bed and told Noor to sit too

"Why didn't you come to eat?" She asked Noor and she was looking down all the time

"I'm not hungry Amma, you should go and eat?" She said softly looking down,then her mother in law cupped her face with her hands and made her look at her

"Why are you looking down my dear!!?" She asked her and her eyes formed tears in them.

"Open your heart beta open your heart, I'm your mother" she said and noor immediately hugged her while crying

"Am-ma it wa--sn't me ,he was the one who hel-d my hands"she said while crying and her mothe hugged her while patting her back and said

"Amma be sacrificed on you my beloved daughter ".        

(My favourite line from

my favourite author


She said and made her look at her and wiped her tears

"Don't think that we don't believe you. I trust you my daughter. But you disappointed me" she said and noor looked at her with confused face

"Amm-" she was looking like a small kid crying for her lollipop

"You should have slapped him, you know islam prioritise womans first, remember your worth in islam , Allah gave very respectful and highest rank to womens. In islam women can kill their rapist, you should have slapped him for harrassing you. You are a queen my daughter, know your worth" she said and noor was listening to her and her eyes formed tears and she hugged her and said

"I'm sorry Amma I was very scared that time, but i promise from now on if anyone try to touch me I'll not spare them" she said and her mother smiled at her and kissed her forehead saying

"Mashaallah, that's like my daughter" she smiled at her words because she never got the love of mother like this.



After sometime we heard uncle's voice form the living room. I went there with my fast steps and saw uncle,Azael ,Zayn and mr Malik standing across eachother.

I rushed downstairs and everyone gathered there in no time.

"Why are shouting?!!" Abba asked him and he was fuming in anger

"Your son has grown up so much bhaiya" he said making everyone confused

"What are you saying??" Abba asked him and before he could say anything,aunty came in between and said

"Your son has cancel my son's driving license, blocked his credit card and transferred him to Canada in different University " she said and everyone looked at mr Malik with wide eyes and Azael was looking at him with anger filled eyes.

"What is this daiyan?" His father asked him and he seems so calm

"This is what he deserves " he said and i felt a tingling sensation in my heart

"I know what he did was wrong but he is your brother daiyan. You know he is childish " uncle said and mr malik scoffed

"Childish!!...... harrassing your sister in law is not childish uncle " he said clenching his jaw looking at Azael

"This is too much daiyan .... Please i can't stay away from my child " aunty said looking at mr malik with fake tears

"And I can't let him stay near my wife" he said and i felt whole zoo shifted in my stomach and i felt my cheeks burning

"Daiyan you have became zoru ka gulam(wife's slave)!" Uncle said and i saw mr Malik glanced at me and then looked at him and said

"If protecting my wife, if standing by her side is what called zoru ka gulam,then yes I'm zoru ka gulam" he said and i felt my whole body felt an electric current by his confession. He was protecting me in the way i never imagined.

I'll perform nawafil namaz for this

"I don't want to talk anymore just be ready tomorrow Azael. And Zayn have you done all the arrangements???" He asked Zayn and he nodded his head and sehrish patted my shoulder

"What is he planning?" She asked me and i signalled no

"Idk" i said. "I love how Bhai protected you. I also want someone who will protect me and love me the way he do to you. He is a green flag bhabhi" she said and i felt butterflies dancing in my stomach. My cheeks felt hot.

"What arrangements beta???"Amma asked him and he hold her hands and said

"Today is your wedding anniversary Amma. " He said and i said wow in my head

"You remember it. But your appa forget about this day" she said making a pout and we all laughed

"I don't even expect anything from him" he said and glanced at him. Their relationship was still like before


It was night time and everyone was getting ready and some guests were already present in our hall. They were throwing a party for their parents anniversary.

Daiyan was already downstairs welcoming and talking with some guests. Then his eyes met with a pair of doe eyes looking like siren eyes today . She was wearing long golden gown with some pearl on it. Her head was covered with her dupatta and she was looking ethereal. Daiyan's eyes was stuck on her,......she forward her steps to come downstairs and went towards sehrish and Halima. Diayan eyes were on her only.

"Bhabhi you are looking so beautiful" sehrish complimented her and she smiled and said

"Sukriya and you both are looking like fairys" she said and they both chuckled after exchanging glances.

"Ummm..... bhabhi your family won't come??" She asked her and she looked at diayan and said

"I don't know sehrish" she said they nodded and sehrish face became dull because she was waiting for someone.

They were talking just then Zayn came and said " assalamualaikum bhabhi and my sisters" he said with a cute smile which can melt anyone. He was just like daiyan but not cold, he was a happy soul.

"Walaikum assalam my dear handsome brother in law " Noor said with a smile and he giggled at her response

"You are looking so handsome Bhai just like a copy of daiyan Bhai" Hamila said with a smile and Zayn face became proud

"Ofcourse i want to became like Bhai" he said they all smiled. They were talking but someone's eyes were fixed on her. She was feeling a strong gaze on her ,she moved her eyes only to get caught by a pair of brown eyes staring into her soul. She immediately looked away being flustered.

"Bhabhi you should have invited your friends too just like Bhai invited his friends" he said and noor looked at him with narrowed eyes

"Why mr Zayn Malik??" She asked him teasingly and he scratch the back of his neck. Sehrish and Halima went to talk with their friends.

"Ummm.... Actually..." He was nervous and she smiled looking at him

"I don't know about other friends but my best friend aria is coming, but as we know you both hate eachother right, " she asked him with innocent eyes and he was getting shy

"Y-es ye--s bh-abhi,she is a headache. I was asking about your other friends they are so kind and humble unlike her "he said and i laughed at him and he left from there with shy smile.

"You are lucky aria, he loves you. I just hope Allah bless you with some Brain cell so you will realise his love for you" she said with a sigh. After sometime her family came and the first person she saw was her best friend aria. Without wasting time aria run and hugged her a dramatic girl she is.

"Wallahi girl have some mercy on me, your hug is so tight " noor said and aria broke the hug and looked at her with done face

"We met after so many days Noor and you are complaining, how ungrateful friend " she said and noor smacked her head softly and she hissed.

"Assalamualaikum appi!!" Evaan said and hugged her with a melting smile and she hugged him with love

"Walaikum assalam my beloved brother, how are you?" She said and broke the hug and he said

"Alhamdulillah I'm fine. How are you doing? Is he behaving good?" He asked me the same question which he asked me on the walima night and i smiled knowing he is so protective towards me

"Don't worry evaan everything is fine" she said and just then she heard a deep raspy voice near her ear.

"How are you brother in law?" Daiyan asked him coming near Noor making her heart beat fast


"I'm good, how about you??" They talked on some random stuffs and I saw sehrish was staring at evaan from a very long time. I went towards her and patted her shoulder but got no reply

"Is he handsome??" I asked her and she was so lost in her world that she unknowingly said

"Very handsome" she said  unconciously and i smiled at her words just then she jerked her head towards me and said

"Bhabhi!!!" She said like she saw some ghost

"I know my brother is handsome" i said and she was looking so nervous and said

"I wasn't talking about evaan, i was talking about.... about...yea...yeah daiyan Bhai" she tried to cover up but failed and i laughed and left ruffling her hair.

After sometime Amma abba came and they were looking so perfect together. I must say they are looking like a newly wedded couple.

They cutted the cake and everyone was enjoying, I went inside the kitchen to bring juices and was searching for glasses.

"Where are the glasses!!!" I searched on the counters but didn't find any then my eyes landed on few glasses on the upper cabinet....." There they are!" I said and dragged a stole because it was high than usual, it wasn't like I'm small but the cabinet was very high.

I stood up on the stole and tried to take the glass but my hands weren't reaching there. After many attempts i failed and while attempting I got disbalanced and stumbled on the stole and w

as about to fall, i closed my eyes and was ready to feel the pain but i felt my self in the air.

"Am i swiming in the air??" I asked to myself.


Thank you so much for reading.

By authormahek_

Love from mahi♡

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