We are sitting in the plain returning back to India, it was sudden Because begam got a call and immediately told me to return. I didn't asked further because she started crying and then I called her brother and he told me everything about it.

Evaan told me that his uncle sold their grandparents house which was very connected to Noor. She was looking so pathetic, she is still rubbing her hands and shaking her legs continuously.

That house must be very close to her.

"Begam calm yourself down" i spoke in a gentle tone, she just glanced at me and then again looked back at the window.

We landed safely and we were about to go when i said

"Begam let's go to home, freshen up and then we will go to your house" i said but she gave me a glare and said

"Mr malik are you serious? This is not important to you but it's really very serious and important for me. If you want them go and freshen up but I'm going right now" she said with tears in her eyes and went to sit in the car.

I sigh and went towards the car and sit inside it. She looked at me saying

"Why you came? I can drive" she said and i ignored her and started the engine.

"Mr malik you can go "she was continuously talking

"Will you shut up begam please" he said and then the rest of the ride was silent.

We reached her house and she didn't wait and opened the door and rushed towards her house.

I followed her and she was standing infront of her father and uncle

"Appi" evaan said and she was just looking at her uncle and father

"What is this abba?" She asked him and he was ignoring her gaze

"Abba what is this?" She again spoke just then her uncle interrupt

"What is this behaviour Noor? Is this how we taught you to behave with your elders!!" Her uncle said and she scoffed.


I reached to my parents house and directly entered and saw abba and uncle was in the hall .

I straight went towards them and stand infront of them just then Evaan came saying

"Appi"evaan said but i didn't looked at him and asked abba

"What is this abba?" I said and he was ignoring my eyes and question

"Abba what is this?" I again said but just then my uncle interrupt me saying.

"Noor what is this behaviour? Is this how we taught you to behave with your elders!!" He said and i scoffed

"Really uncle! You're teaching manners but you forgot to tell me before selling the mansion " i said and went towards abba

"Abba tell me why you did this ? Why uncle why, you knew that mansion was very precious to me. How could you sold your parents last sign." I said and tears were flowing from my eyes. That mansion was very close to me. My whole childhood memories with my grandparents are in that mansion.

"Noo-" he was about to say something but I interrupt

"Why you both did this to me, you knew that mansion hold so many memories, why abba why"I was feeling so helpless and was just crying infront of them and they aren't getting affected.

"Noor your uncle also had shared in that mansion and he wanted that for some good use so I have to say yes." He said and i looked at him just then Evaan said

"Yes making resort is good thing and too on our grandparents mansion" he said and my tears were still flowing.

"Abba please get back the mansion please don't do this please" i went towards them and joined my hands infront of them and cried.

"Noor don't do this beta" abba said while forbidding me to join the hands infront of him. I broke down

"I can't do anything Noor I'm sorry" he said and went out along with chachu leaving me with a broken heart and I was crying mess.


I was watching her breaking down infront of them. She is really very sensitive, my heart was aching seeing her in that condition. She was literally begging from them. I just wanted to kill everyone for making her cry, for her every tears.

I can give her 100 mansion if she wants but she only want that mansion.

I went towards her and hold her hands and dragged her out of the house.

"Please take care of her" evaan said and I nodded and went towards our car, opened the door and make her sit. She was crying and zoning out. I went towards driver seat and sit on it, wore my seat belt and make her wear it too and started the engine.

"Ple-ase take me h--ome mr malik"she said in a pleading voice and i gear up and went towards our house.

The whole ride was silent and neither i said anything nor she, just her sobbing could be heard. She was having hiccups.

We reached our house. I went to open her gate but she was still seating.

"Begam!" I called her out and she looked at me with her pure innocent eyes.

"Let's go inside" i said and she took her legs out and then we headed towards the entrance. It was late night everyone must be sleeping. We directly went towards our room,she opened the door and straight went to bathroom.

I sigh and called in my office because i wanted to clear something

"Ahaan i want two days ago clips of my office room fast" i said and he nodded and i cut the call.

Just then she entered in the room with her innocent face and her face was dull.

Her eyes were still red

"Begam are you ok?" I asked her being concerned about her

"Don't worry mr malik you can sleep I'm ok" she said and went towards the bed to her side and lay down on her side of mattress.

I shrugged all the thoughts and went towards the bed to sleep. I lay on the other side and after sometime I was hearing her sobs. I turned around and saw her crying inside her blanket.

I softly called her out

"Noor!" I said and she stopped after hearing me

"Sorry mr m--alik i distur-bed you" and said and i don't know what got into me i went towards her and back hugged her and she became silent after feeling my hands on her waist...

"Shhhh Noor don't worry everything will be fine" i said and she started crying again and sobbing.

I was feeling something strange in my heart seeing her like this. She was completely broken right now.

No matter what I'll give back that mansion to her



I woke up and saw her performing her salah and she was crying so much.

I didn't sat up and was just staring at her. Then i heard her saying

"Ya Allah please forgive me for wearing that revealing dress, ya rabbi i know i did a big mistake but please Allah you are the forgiver and I'm the sinner Allah I did a sin but please forgive me. I went under the influence of Satan, i wore that to impress my sauhar but ya Allah I'm forgot that I'm here to impress you , I'm here to worship you my rab. Ya Allah forgive me rabbi forgive, I'll die if you will be upset with me Allah"

she said and she was getting hiccups while crying and without me knowing a tear rolled down from my eyes

"She is crying but why I'm feeling her pain and why this tear in my eyes?" I think in my mind and then immediately closed my eyes when I saw her getting up and coming towards me.

She came near me wiped her tears and blew some air on my face. It was her habit to do this whenever I'm alseep.

After sometime i was ready for my office and we were having breakfast together. We didn't tell our family about yesterday's incident. I don't want to hurt her more, she is already bearing very much.

"Noor! What happened beta?" Amma asked her looking at her dull face

"Nothing Amma" she said with pale face

"Are you sick beta tell me" she again asked in concerned filled voice

"No amma just having little headache" she said with a small fake smile

"Then have medicine beta after breakfast" Amma said and she nodded.

I was staring at her when she glanced at me and i quickly diverted my gaze

I left for my office and all the time I was just thinking about her.

I was sitting in my cabin.

"Ahhh Noor you have corrupted my mind"

i said and took a deep sigh and then i opened my phone and and tap on the gallery and a beautiful picture shown on phone with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

This photo was sent by my amma when she was arranging our marriage. I still have this pic with me. I tried to delete it many time but i don't know why i couldn't.

"I have no idea what you are doing to me begam but it's clear that I'm not ready for this. I feel my heart aching when I see you in pain.

I just wanted to kill everyone who try to hurt you "

I took a sigh and looked towards the glass window

"I know I'm supposed to hate her but I can't help but attracts towards her. It's like my heart is playing this wild game with my emotions, defying all the logics and expectations, everytime I try to push her away my heart pulls her closer making me feel something strange " i said looking at the sky and then i heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" i said and saw ahaan coming in my cabin saying

"Good morning sir!" He said with a smile and i hmmed

"Sir here is the full clip of that day which you asked for" he showed me the pendrive and gave it to me.

"Great job ahaan" i said and said

"Thank you sir, now I'll take my leave now" he said and went outside.

I opened my laptop and inserted the pendrive in the laptop and opened the full CCTV footage of that day, and wha

t I saw made my blood boil in anger.

I banged my hand on the table and took my phone and coat and went outside for home.


What do you think cherries, what did daiyan saw that made him so mad??

Love from mahi♡

Thank you so much for reading, don't forget to vote and comment.

Allah Hafiz 🤍

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