I woke up with the sound of my alarm ringing, i rubbed my eyes and stretched my hands straight and after few seconds I sat up straight on the bed.

Yes I slept on the bed last night maintaining a healthy distance from her.

Idk what she was talking about or i think I don't want to understand.

I put my foot down and wore my slippers and stand up just then my eyes landed on her. She was performing her salah wearing a peach colour hijab. She blew air on both of her shoulder one by one and then took her hands behind her hijab and make dua. She was so much into her salah that she forget about her surroundings. I saw she was sobbing while making dua and tears were flowing from her eyes. I don't know why my foot took me towards her and i sat on knees beside her and was staring at her for so long. She then rubbed her palms on her face and opened her eyes and glanced at me with her light brown eyes and then she blew some air on my face, dragging me back to reality.

"What was that?" I asked her why she blew air on my face so she said

"May Allah always protect you" she said and smiled softly and that's when my heart skip a beat and i shaked my thoughts and stand up and straight went inside the bathroom.

I came inside my room and saw her doing zikr on her rosary (tasbeeh) I took my phone and went outside without saying a word.

I straight went to the gym of the hotel and saw many people were already present doing workout.

I connected my Bluetooth with my phone and played a song and went on a trademill and start doing it.



I was done doing zikr so i thought to do a morning walk because there was nothing to do, so I took a novel with me and went outside in the hotel garden. While going outside I saw everyone was arranging for a party because the manager told us there is a party going to happen at night for all the couples.

I chuckled how mr malik agreed on coming in the party, he said yes we will come.

I sigh

And begin to read my favourite novel peer-e-kamil. While reading i felt someone's intense gaze on me, I saw everywhere but couldn't find so I shrugged it,but still there was someone digging hole to my body so I again run my eyes throughout the garden and when my eyes met with a pair of siren eyes i gulped.

Mr malik.

He was glaring at me through the glass window of the gym it was connected to the garden anyone can easily see the people roaming in the garden.

I gulped down my saliva when I saw his well built body in sweat and him in casual shirt wet with his sweat. And his siren eyes not leaving mine. I wiped all the wild thoughts saying

"Astagfirullah Noor what are you thinking, it's not good" i said to myself

"But he is my husband right. I have all rights to see him like this infact only i have the rights to see him like this."i said and turned around to see him again but he was already gone, so i turned around to read my novel but got startled when I saw him standing right infront of me so close that i can even feel his breath.

I lost my balance after witnessing him suddenly infront of me and I was about to fall from backwards but a hand hold me from my waist and pulled me towards him.

I had my eyes closed due to the fear of falling but slowly opened when i heard his dark, deep and raspy voice near my ear saying

"Open your eyes begam!!" He ordered and i slowly opened my eyes meeting with a pair of siren eyes sending goosebumps to my body.

I was lost in admiring his facial features that i forgot about my surroundings. The way his eyes were not leaving mine, the way his hairs were falling on his forehead, his forehead was sweaty shining like a pearl in the sunlight, his lips, the pair of cherry lips. I was holding his arms and i can feel his biceps and not gonna lie I was thinking that i can hang on his biceps they were so strong.

I got back to reality when he again spoke in his deep raspy seducing voice

"It's inappropriate to stare at someone too long begam" he said and i blink my eyes multiple times before detaching from him and looking everywhere but him.

"I--i" i didn't even complete my sentence when he turned around and left from there and I took a deep breath and said

"Sukriya Allah for saving me" i said and went back to read my novel.



It was night time and I was getting ready for tonight's party because this hotel is holding a fucking couple party in which every couple of this hotel need to come. It's not like I want to go but I'm free and moreover I don't want to argue so i easily said ok.

Begam was also getting ready,she was in the bathroom so i turned my foot towards the door of the bathroom and knocked on it

"Yes" she spoke from inside the bathroom

"Begam are you ready?" I asked her and she replied making me annoy

"Mr malik I'm still not ready yet , it will take time" she said and i massaged my temples exhaling

"Ok you take your time and come after getting ready I'm going" i said and she hmmed in response

"Use your mouth begam" i spoke in stern voice

"Ye-s mr malik"she said and i went outside the room

I met with one of my business friend,he came to spend some time with his wife. I went towards him and did a handshake and he smiled saying

"How are you mr malik?" He spoke with a smile

"I'm good wbu" i said and he signalled his wife

" Mr Malik meet my wife Arohi" he said and i just smiled at her and she did the same saying

"It's good to see you mr malik" she completed her sentence when her husband said

"Where is your wife mr Malik? Why are you alone here?" He asked me and I said

"She was getti-" I didn't even complete my sentence when all the atmosphere of the hall went silent and everyone was looking at the entrance including my business friend too.

I got confused and when i looked at the entrance my soul left my body seeing her in that dress.

The bold look

"Begam!" I whispered to myself

"Is she your wife? He asked me with wide eyes and i nodded

"She is so beautiful" he said and i glared at him.

She came towards me while everyone present there was looking at her like vultures,. I just wanted to snatch their eyes and dig their body in the ground for looking at my wife with those lustful eyes.

"I must say you are looking so beautiful mrs Malik" he complimented her and I was feeling like choking him.

I was not liking the way she dressed. I never saw her wearing something like this then why today?

The dress was reaching till her knees and it has half sleeves. Still it was inappropriate for her to wear it.

She came towards me but i went away from there and she looked Puzzled.


I was feeling so nervous and shy because of that dress. Never in my life i wore something like this. But i thought maybe he liked those womens who wear Western dresses.

I entered in the hall and idk why the spotlight fall on me making me nervous.

All the eyes was on me for no reason. They were staring at me from head to toe. I smiled nervously and headed towards him. His business friend complimented me and i smiled.

"Your wife is also looking so gorgeous" i said and she smiled at me.

I went towards Mr malik but he went away from me and i felt hurt.

Isn't he liking this dress. I wore this only for him.

I really just wanted to throw this dress and wear my casual dress.

I was standing near the garden and was about go and change this dress because mr malik was nowhere to be found so i thought to return to my room when suddenly i felt a hand wrapping around my waist. I felt my heart beat faster.

I instantly jerked his hands and turned Around only to find it was his friend who earlier complimented me.

"What are you doing?" I said and he took few steps towards me.

"You look so hot baby, let's have fun. No one will get to know let's go to my room"

"Wait!" I said and he was about to hold my hand when suddenly he got a hard punch on his face making him fall on his hip on the floor.

I gasped seeing mr Malik with red eyes and anger was dripping on his face.

He went towards him and hold him by his collar,made him stand up and again a hard punch landed on his not so handsome face making his nose to bleed

"How dare you to touch my wife" he said and again punched him and he fall on his back and mr Malik sat on his knees and hold his collar punching him like a beast. I put my hands on my mouth with wide eyes

"HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH MY WIFE WITH YOUR FILTHY HANDS" He growl at him making me startled and was beating him with no mercy. He somehow managed to come out of his grip and stand up and he punched mr malik but before he can do that mr malik hold a fistful of his hair and banged his head on the table and i heard a crack sound witnessing he just broke his neck.

Everyone came there with hearing sounds of breaking things and gasped seeing him beating the shit out of him.

"HOW DARE YOU TO HARRAS MY WIFE" he said and some people tried to separate them but he wasn't leaving him.

After sometime he left him and glared at me and i gulped,I was shivering there with fear. He came near me took out his jacket and made me wear it and told me to stay there.

"Stay here, don't you dare to move" he warned me and walked somewhere.

After few minutes he came back with something and when he opened it i found out it's a burqa.

He helps me to wear it saying

"Khoobsurati jitni chupi Hui ho utni hi khoobsurat lagti hai" he said and i felt a tingling sensation in my stomach and it was wriggling.

He hold my hand and dragged me towards our room.

After reaching to our room he closed the door

"Why you beat him?" I asked him and he scoffed

"I saved you and here you're complaining. " He said

"I would kill anyone if they try to touch you, i would kill all of them who were staring at you because I don't want other mens to look at my wife the way i do. Only i have the rights to see you like this" he said sending shiver to my body and the look on his face was clear that he isn't lying.

I never knew th

at he is that possesive but i felt happy that he is being possessive for me.


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People cross all the limits in love 💕

Thank you cherries

Love from mahi♡

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