I woke up with the sound of some bells.

I opened my eyes and the first thing my eyes caught was my begam.

She was drying her hair with dryer and while moving her anklet was making some kind of melodious sound.

And whenever she was moving her head her jhumka was tingling and making a weird sensation in my stomach.


This is the same jhumka which I have the one pair with me but how she is wearing it ????

I stand up and was about to approach her when she looked at me through the mirror and turned around and came near me increasing my heart beat.

"Mr malik i wanna ask you something??" She said and i wonder what she wants to ask

"Hmmm?" I just hmmed and she continued

"I was finding my towel in the morning but i couldn't find it so i thought to check your cupboard and there i found my something very precious!! Now tell me from where you got this??" She said making me confused and i raised my eye brows together

"What precious??" I asked twisting my brows

"This!" She showed me her jhumka,

Wait, her jhumka???? So it was her jhumka which I got in the mall and brought it with me!!!

You--r jh--umka?? For the first time someone made me stutter

"Yes mine!" She spoke in a bossy tone coming closer with raised eye brows

"Did you perhaps stole it?" She spoke making me choke

"WHAT!" I almost shout

"Me !!! The daiyan Malik will stole a jhumka" i said and scoffed and she went back to her place making me sigh in releif

"Then why it was in your cupboard?" Ahhh why she is throwing tons of questions

"I don't know maybe sehrish or halima bought this after finding this from somewhere you dropped " i explained a lie and she seems to get convinced by it. I smirk at her innocent self.

"Ok now stop wasting my time " I said and went inside the bathroom ignoring her wide eyes

"Her anklet and jhumka is making me crazy!! I should keep my distance from her" i said and took a deep sigh.



Everyone was having breakfast together in silence and I was glancing at him time to time. My glancing game got disturbed when Amma said something.

"I have something to say" the look on her face was saying that she is upto something.

"Daiyan and noor go and pack your bags" Amma said making everyone confused

"Why bag pack Amma?" I asked her looking at her and she took out something from behind her plate.

"For this!" She said showing us a envelope

"Amma say it clearly" mr malik said with twitched eye brows

"See yourself" she said giving the envelope to mr malik and with no time he opened it and when he said what's written in it i felt my heart dropped in my stomach

"Honeymoon ticket to Paris!!!" He said and instantly looked at me, i lowered my gaze not knowing how to react.

Why Amma did this. It was already hard for me to stay with him in this house. Now I have to live with him alone and i don't know for how long.

"Amma I don't have time for this" he said standing up to leave

"Daiyan stop right there. You're not going to office, Zayn will handle everything. You're going to Paris and the flight is in the afternoon so you both should pack fast" she explained and I was getting nervous and saw him clenching his jaw

"Amm-" he tried to protest but he can't win against his mother

"Otherwise i won't talk to you" she said making sad face  and turned around crossing her hands on her chest, he sigh and came towards her and hugged her.

"Ok don't be sad Amma I'll go. You know i can't see you sad" he said and i smiled at his statement. He loves his family so much. I noticed how his father was smiling looking at his wife and son.


"Mr malik would you pack your bags or should I do it?" I spoke in a gentle yet calm tone while he was doing something on his laptop

"I don't have fucking time for this bullshit" he said and i wide my eyes saying

"Astagfirullah mr malik, stop cursing. It's haram" i said and he just gave me  a stare and went back to work. I sigh and went towards his cupboard to pack gus bags because i don't think he will do it. I was already done with my packing as I was a bag pack person.

"Are you are ready?" We heard amma's voice from outside and I went to open the door.

"Yes Amma " i opened and said and welcome her in the room

She sigh looking at her workaholic son.

"Daiyan what is this?" She asked him being done with him

"Amma I'm ready just sending a mail" he said and after five minutes he closed the laptop and stand straight with nervous face

"Amma sorry" he said and she said

" I won't scold you infront of your wife so come downstairs, you both are getting late. You will miss the flight" she said and went outside followed by us behind her.

"Assalamualaikum Amma abba" i bid goodbye and then he hugged them and then we went inside our car and driver started the engine. I waved my hands and smiled at them.



We reached to our hotel after a long and tiring journey. He was asking the receptionist for our room because Amma already booked our room. And unfortunately there is no single room is empty. All are booked.

He came back with a key in his hands and gestured me to walk behind him. I did as he said and a manager was talking to him till our room.

He opened the door of the room saying

"So sir this is your honeymoon themed room" he said showing us the room. I choked on air after witnessing the scene. The room was filled with red roses everywhere, dim light, rose petals on the bed was scattered some were on the floor. There were candles throughout the room and the room was smelling like Daisy. I love the smell because Daisy flowers are my favourite and i love their smell. We both entered after glancing at eachother and suddenly some rose mixed with Daisy flowers showered on us making me startled.

"WTF IS THIS?" He growl and for the first time i got scared from him. The way his eyes were looking no no not looking digging holes in manager's body, ya Allah take care of him.

"Astagfirullah!" I mumbled slowly when he cursed and he gave me a side eye.

I gulped down my saliva.

"W-hat happe--ned sir?" The manager asked him being afraid of him.

"Why the hell you put all these fucking things in this room" he again shout making me close my eyes and i said

"Mr malik please don't curse it's not good" i said and he again gave me a death glare.

I shut my mouth.

"Sir the person who called me told me to decorate this room for a newly wedded couple" he explained himself and mr Malik was just death glaring at him.

"Remove all this shit from this room, specially this Daisy flowers because I hate these, and on the air purifier to Remo this smell" he said and i was wondering how can someone hate Daisy flowers and it's smell.

"O-k s--ir " manager rushed out with a speed of light and then he looked at me and i got  alert

"When the room service came tell them to clean this room perfectly. I don't want a single petal left here" he said and i nodded like a small kid who is agreeing on her teachers words.

And then he went inside the bathroom closing the door with a loud thud.

"Ya Allah!" I release a deep breath when he went inside

"He is very dangerous" i said and then I heard door bell

"I think it's room service.

After sometime they cleaned the whole room and on the air purifier and now the whole room is looking neat and clean with a weird smell which i don't like. I like the previous fragrance more.

He came from the bathroom and was looking at room like a detective looking for a clue.

I laughed internally because if i laugh loud then I'll be dead.

He took the pillow and put it on the floor because there was a small couch in which he would never fit.

"Mr malik you can sleep on the bed please don't sleep on the floor" i said and he looked at me

"And where will you sleep? on the floor?" He spoke in a stern voice

"This bed is big enough for two people to sleep and I'll sleep on this side and you will be on the other side." I said and he came towards me saying

"Just because I'm being little soft don't think I like you begam, as i told you I'll never love you" he said tearing my heart apart. Tears formed in my eyes, i thought he is being soft now but he proved me wrong.

"I'm not expecting anything from you mr Daiyan Malik, I'm saying this for you. There is no other bedsheet here and it's November so the floor will feel cold and might get sick" i said and saw his facial expression getting change

"I know you will never love me, it's ok. It's your choice and proving you wrong is my choice.

" You are prioritising a person who is not here and ignoring the one who is dying for you. One day you will loose the moon while counting the stars. Give value to those who loves you otherwise one day you will loose them and that day you will know their value " I said with tears in my eyes and went to the ot

her side to sleep.

After sometime i felt the bed shrinking on the other side. I didn't moved to see i knew it's him.



love you your authormahek_

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