I just ignored him and went to the door, twisted the knob and opened it to get out of the room. Just when i step out in hurry i got bumped into a hard rock like chest ( this person must be a gym addicted) and i rubbed my forehead and moved my eyes to have a look of that rock like man only to got startled by the look of his face.

"Mr malik!!!" I whispered Loud enough for him to hear

"Beg---" he didn't even complete his sentence when the he interrupted

"Bhai you're so lucky,bhabhi came to meet you. She must be missing you" he said with a playful smirk a s left while side eyeing me.

Then I looked back at him and saw him already staring at me with questionable look

"I--- I actually came to give you your lunch boxe" i exclaimed softly with a smile and he replied with a cold face

With no emotion

"You could have send it with someone else, you didn't need to come here" he said and and was about to step inside when Zayn came

"Bhai mr Hussain and his wife is coming to meet you" he said and i thought to leave when again Zayn stopped me saying

"Bhabhi wait!!!, they wants to mee you Bhai but with your wife. They got to know you recently got married so they want to congratulate you both" he said and I saw an irritated face covering his cold face.

"Ok come in with me begam " he said and an dead man without any emotion.

"Ice cube " i mumbled slowly while following him behind

"Did you said something?" He asked me , oh god his sense of hearing is very dangerous

"No no no" i said and shaked my head and he settled himself on his desk chair and told me to sit on the sofa opposite to him.

He was doing something on his laptop and I was continuously staring at him until he spoke

"It is inappropriate to stare at someone too long" he said and i wide my eyes and diverted my gaze finding an excuse

"I wasn't staring at you, i - I was staring at the painting behind you" i said and he scoffed and i scolded myself in my mind

After sometime we saw Zayn coming inside with a couple and i guess they are mr and mrs Hussain.

I stand up and went to mr Malik's desk and greeted them

"It's nice to meet you mr malik" he said and shaked his hands with him

"Assalamualaikum" i chanted and he replied

"Walaikum assalam... I can say mr Malik your wife is so beautiful and well mannered" he said and i smiled and felt a hand wrapping around my waist pulling me closer

"Yeah she is " he said and I looked at him , he just gave me a look then i remembered hai words from our first night

Rule no.1-We will behave as a happy couple infront of everyone but in this room we are nothing but two strangers sharing a roof." I smiled sadly knowing it's just a show. He is doing this just to show them how happy we are together.

"Btw Mrs Hussain is also looking very stunning " he complimented her and every inch of my body start burning in jeleousy. I was not liking her, she was wearing shirt one piece which was reaching till her knees and a deep v shaped neck.

I don't like when he complimented her. He never noticed my existence and now complimenting her because she is showing skin.



We reached home and when i entered in my house with her I saw Amma coming towards us.

"Kids go and freshen up , you have to go to noor's maikah ( Noor's parents house) for chauthi.

"Amma I'm very tired tell any driver to drop her " i said and took one step when Amma stopped me

"It's a ritual daiyan, you're her husband so you have to go with her. Just go they have invited you for dinner. After dinner you both can come" she said with a emotional face and i couldn't deny so I agreed.

"Begam go and get ready fast I don't like to wait for anyone " i said and went inside bathroom to freshen up but before i entered she said

"Just wait little bit i need to perform my Isha salah" she said and i nodded. I know now.i don't believe in god but i respect others faith in God.

We both were sitting in my car, I was driving and she was looking outside the window.

Her legs were shaking and she was continuously rubbing her palms. I think she is nervous, because of the thing her parents did, she don't want to face them.

"Are you ok begam???" I asked her and she instantly looked at me saying

"Ye--yes" she is stuttering

After driving for an hour we reached to her parents house and we got welcomed by her brother evaan

She instantly opened the door, went out and hugged him, and i noticed I was smiling looking at them.

"Hey why are you smiling?" I asked myself with confused face

"I'm going crazy!" I said and went out and hugged him and he gestured us inside.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Sheikh" i greeted them and they replied with smile.

"Assalamualaikum mr and Mrs Sheikh" Noor said with a force smile and went to sit.

After sometime we did our dinner in silence because no one was talking and it was good for me too.

After dinner I saw her walking in the garden just then I saw her parents there

And i didn't know what they said and I saw her wiping her tears and just then Evaan came and hugged her. My heart was clenching seeing her like this and I was hating this feeling.

"Me Sheikh need a lesson" i said to myself and went inside.

"This is appi's room, she is a fan of vintage vibes and books" evaan said showing me her room when she was busy with something

"Hmm" I just hummed and was absorbing every little things in her room

Her room was sk neat and clean. There was a big bookshelf with tons of books, old vintage vibes frames and decoration. Brown curtain , window with wind chimes. Bed with cushion and plushie. I scoffed she still play with plushie

I saw a photo of her maybe when she was a teenager, she was wearing a beautiful smile on her face and hair was falling on her face, wearing jhumka. She was indeed the happiest person.

We both were bidding goodbye to her family so she hugged them with tears and went inside the car and i went to say goodbye to her family

"It was nice to meet you Amma" i said to her mother and she smiled and then his brother hugged me saying

"Please don't hurt her she is very sensitive, she will never tell you about her suffering, she always show how strong she is but she is very sensitive and git hurt by little things" he said and nodded my head saying

"Don't worry I'll take care of her " i said and then her father came towards me and hugged me

I broke the hug and said

"I know you forced your daughter in this marriage just for a deal but don't worry me Sheikh i won't let you get this deal. You will have to pay for my wife's each and every single tears" i said and went inside me car leaving him in shock.

"What took you so long?" She asked me

"I wanted to tell something to your father " i said and started engine and headed to our house.

We reached home and i stopped the engine and looked at her and found her sleeping peacefully on the seat. I opened the door and. Went towards her and opened her side door and I was hesitating to wake her up because she was looking so peaceful while sleeping not like before broken.

Ok daiyan Malik for the last time lift her up in your arms

I hesitately removed her seat belt and and took her in my arms and closed the door with my leg and headed inside.

Before I even try to press the door bell my house door got opened revealing my sisters with a weird smile.

I know what is coming next

"Why are you both awake at this time?" I asked them still caring Noor in my arms

"Bhai what you did that bhabhi got unconscious" sehrish said with a smirk and i really got irritated with these brats

"Stop it and let us go"i said and left from there leaving them with giggles

"Sure Bhai enjoy" I just shrugged it and headed upstairs

I opened the door of my room and went inside, went towards the bed and lay her down on the mattress and tugged her inside the blanket. I was about to move when her bangle got stuck with my coat sleeve and she moved her hands and i got pulled towards her face by her move.

For the first time my breath hitched because of the proximity of our faces

For sometime i got lost in her sleeping figure. Some of her hair strands were falling on her face, moon light falling on her face and the way she was moving in her sleep and the way she opened her eyes.....

Wait does she just opened her eyes???

I immediately pulled my hand back with a speed of light and straighten my posture. She sit on the bed with confused face.

"What were you doing mr malik???" She asked me and I was dusting my coat

"I was just checking that were you really sleeping!" I exclaimed feeling like I got caught for doing something illigal

"Really???" She asked with a raised eye brows

"Just sleep I'm going to use washroom" i excused myself and went away from there.

After getting freshen up i came back and saw her arranging a bedsheet on the floor. I went towards her and asked

"What is this?" I spoke and she looked back at me

"Me Malik you can sleep on the bed I'll sleep here" she said and i twitched my brows together

"And why???"i spoke in a gentle tone

"It's your bedroom so you should sleep on the bed"she said and i internally laughed at it but maintain a cold face outside.

"Sleep on the bed I'll sleep on the couch ok" i said and took the bedsheet and put it aside

"Mr malik i cab sleep here you go and sleep on the bed" she again said with a concerned filled voice

"I can't let my wife sleep on the floor and I'll sleep on the bed" i said and she was again about to say when i interrupt

"I'm a man of my morals begam. And my morals won't let you sleep on the floor" i said and went towards the couch with a pillow and duvet.



He told me to sleep on the bed and went to sleep on the couch. He is making me fall for his little gestures.

Alysa must be very lucky get loved by him.

It hurts when I think no matter what I'll always be a second ch


Will i ever be his first choice? His first priority?




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