I went back inside the room and started to scroll through my phone but my mind was with her. She was still crying and trembling due to fever. She applied the ointment and the ice was melting in her hands.

I was feeling so bad for her because it's because of me. I forced her to eat that sweet.

It must be so hurting

Is she crying because of the fever and rashes or something else?

I didn't think anything else and went towards her in the balcony and clear my throat.

"I'm sorry mr malik i again disturbed you"saying this and after wiping her tears,she moved her leg towards our room but i held her wrist

"Noor are you crying because I forced you to eat that sweet??? Listen I'm really very sorry i didn't kne---" I was apologizing because apologizing for your mistakes are better than keeping your ego and hurting others. Your image can't be ruined if you apologise, this is what my Amma taught me.

She suddenly asked me something

"Can I hug you mr malik?" She asked me and finally looked at me with painful and red eyes. Lips trembling. She was looking so pale and exhausted. I felt a ache in my heart seeing her like this.

"I'm sorry i shouldn't have asked you" saying this she broke the eye contact and i loosen the grip on her hands and hugged her embracing her in my arms. At first she looked shocked but later she started crying. At that time i thought she needed a warm hug so i embraced her and stroke her hairs patting her head softly.



I woke up before my alarm can beep. It was my habit to wake up in the early morning do perform salah. I opened my eyes and sit in the bed straightening mg posture and releasing a yawn. Just then my eyes landed on him, he was sleeping on the couch it must be so uncomfortable for him to sleep on the couch. It will leave a back and neck ache.

Then i put my foot down wore my slippers and headed in the bathroom to freshen up. Then I did my ablution (wudu) and came inside the room. I opened my prayer mat and started performing my salah.

I lowered my gaze and performed salah. Then i bend down and put my both hands on my both knees and said

(subhana rabbiya l-azim, "Glory be to my Lord, the Most Magnificent!)

Then i put my forehead on my prayer mat and went in sujood two times while reciting

(Subhana Rabbi Al Ala is "Glory is to my Lord, the Most High")

Then i recite Tashahhud while sitting on the prayer mat and and both hands on my knees. Then i moved my neck on the right shoulder and then on the left shoulder completing my salah.

Then i take my hands inside my hijab to make dua and closed my eyes.

After making dua i caressed my hands on my face.

Then I did zikr and standup from my prayer mat and went towards me Malik. He was still sleeping, i went towards him and bend down little and blew air on his face.

"May Allah protect and give you hidayah"

But he suddenly opened his eyes making me startled and said

"What are you doing?" He asked while peircing my soul like i did something illigal

"Nothing!!!!! Get up it's salah time. Won't you perform salah?" I asked him and woke up so i thought he is going to do ablution (wudu) but he said something making me shocked

"I'm atheist!!! I don't believe in god"


"Allah tauba mr malik!!! What are you saying, it's even gunah (sin) to say this " i said softly but aggressively

"Don't tell me what is good and what is bad begam. I don't think there is someone above us because if it was real then he won't separate someone's close one" he said and went inside the bathroom leaving my in shock

"May Allah give you hidayah mr malik"

(May Allah guide you)



"What should I make today??? " I chatted to myself with worried face

"Oh yeah i should make kheer !!!!! It would be good because it's my first time cooking" i said and started collecting the ingredients for kheer and started making it.

After sometime I was done with the kheer but i wanted to know if it's sweet or not but as i have allergy i couldn't eat this but luckily I saw mr malik passing by the kitchen so i thought to ask him even tho I didn't knew if he would taste it or not.

Let's try

"Ummm mr malik!!!" I called him and he looked at me diverting his gaze from his phone. He points towards him reassuring if i called him or not.

"Is there anyone else looking?" I asked him being done with him

"What?" He spoke casually and uninterestedly

"Actually mr malik i made kheer for everyone so I want to make sure it's perfect or not so can you please taste it and tell me please " I said in pleading tone praying that he will agree.

"And what made you think I'll taste it" he said and i wide my eyes and said

"Mr Malik please you know i have allergy so i can't taste it " i said and then he put his phone inside his pockets and other hand on his right pockets nodding his head

"Hmmm"he hummed and i took a spoonful kheer and took closer to my lips and blew some air to cool it down and then feed him and waited for his reply. It was so hard to read his facial expressions

"How is it?" I asked him being curious

"Hmm it's fine" he said with unbothered look which made me sigh.


Everyone was sitting in dinning room and then Amma said

"So you all are done with the breakfast?" Amma asked them and they nodded

"Ok so Noor go and Bring kheer" she said softly and i moved towards kitchen and in few minutes i brought kheer along with me.

I served each of them the kheer in a bowl and prayed that they will love it.

"Ya Allah I hope they will like it" I mumbled to myself just then Abba said

"It's good beta" Abba said while eating and he had a smile on his face. I smiled chanting a small thank you

"Sukriya Abba" just then sehrish and Halima said

"Bhabhi it' really yummy...after Amma your handmade foods are my favourite now" Sehrish said and Halima nodded

"Yes bhabhi you are amazing cook" i smiled saying thank you. But I was waiting for his reply thinking maybe now he could atleast compliment it but I was wrong he finished his kheer and stand up saying

"Zayn if you are done then we should leave, we are getting late for the meeting" he said and went out without sparing a glance to me, sehrish stands up aftee cleaning her hands and side hugged me.

"He is not bad bhabhi,just workaholic person" she said and i nodded with smile

"Kheer mithi nhi hai ( kheer isn't sweet)" chachi announced making me snatch the bowl from her hands which she was eating like she haven't get kheer in her lifetime.

"Lagegi bhi kaise juban kadwi Jo h ( how can the tongue taste sweet when its bitter)" i mumbled slowly but got shocked when sehrish said

"I agree bhabhi" she said and i looked at her with nervous smile

"Don't worry bhabhi I won't mind. She is really a snake" she whispered making me sigh in releif and we both laughed slowly.



"Can I come in Noor?" I was writing my novel because it was the last chapter and after this I'll publish it because my readers were waiting for this novel and i already delayed it because of my wedding. Just then I heard a knock on my door, it was Amma

"Why are you asking Amma, it's your house" i added and she came inside with smile and with two lunch boxes

"Are you busy Noor beta?" She asked me looking at my scattered papers on my bed and i said

"I was just writing Amma. What happened tell me , is there anything you want me to do?" I asked her and she smiled saying

"Actually Noor daiyan and Zayn left their lunch and they don't like to eat in canteen so i thought can go and gave them and sehrish and Halima also went to college and moreover you can explore the office too. But it's ok you are busy writing so I'll just tell someone."she said and i kept my pen and paper aside and hold her hands saying

"Amma give me I'll go and give it to them " i added and she denied

"No beta you do your work" she said and was about to go but i stopped her

"Amma it's not a big deal give me I'll go" i said and she gave me and smiled saying

"Sukriya beta" she said and left. I also went to get ready and after sometime I went for his company.

"Ya Allah it's very huge" i spoke to myself and went inside

"Excuse me can you please tell me where is mr daiyan Malik's cabin?" I asked her and she smiled saying

"Mam he is in meeting, do you have any appointment?" She asked me and i felt nervous

"No actually I'm his wife" i said and she said with nervous tone

"Are you sure mam because we don't know you and I'm sorry I can't let you in?" She said and i was about to say something but a voice interrupt me

"Bhabhi!!" I turned around and saw Zayn with confused face

"Bhabhi what are you doing here?" He asked me and i showed him the lunch boxes

"You both forgot this at home" i added and he smiled

"Thank you so much bhabhi, thanks for bringing it otherwise we had to eat canteen food" she said and i smiled at him

"Come I'll led you to bhai's cabin, because right now he is ina meeting room" i said and i shake my head saying

"No no Zayn. I just came here to give you the lunch boxes now I'll just take my leave" i said and denied saying

"No bhabhi Bhai will scold me if he got to know that you came and i let you go without meeting him" he said and i gave him a nervous smile and agreed and went with him towards his cabin

"Come inside bhabhi" he said and gestured me to sit .

"Bhabhi you sit here after few minutes Bhai will come because the meeting will end soon. I'll get going otherwise Bhai will chew me alive"he said and i laughed at his choice of words

"What do you do in this company Zayn" I asked him and he said while going

"I'm bhai's secretary" he said and i made an 'o' face and then he left.

I was scrolling through my phone until I heard door opening sound, i looked up to see the person,i thought it's mr malik but it was Azael. But what he is doing here. He was suppose to attend his college.

"Azael!!" I spoke and he came inside. I don't know why I feel uncomfortable around him

"Oh wow what a surprise bhabhi. I came to meet Bhai and i got to see you. Seems like my day will went smoothly now" he said and idk why i wanted to throw a punch on him because the way he was talking anyone can assume his intentions. It's not like I'm a kid.

"You should be at your college. It's your college time" i said and he came closer to me which made me alert.

"You know so many things about me bhabhi" he said coming closer and closer and i became scared

"I'll get going" i said and he hold my wrist saying

"Why are you leaving bhabhi, i just came" he said and i jerked his hands

"What are you doing Azael, I'm yours brother's wife" i said in a angry tone and he smirked

"I know bhabhi but we can start a relation between dewar and bhabhi you know what I mean." He said making me feel disgusting

"Shut up Azael " i said and turned me heels to go out when he said

"What's the use of staying with a person who neither going to love you nor touch y

ou" he said and this really broke my heart

"But in future if you ever change your mind then you know whom you have to come" he said and without listening to nonsense talks i went outside while panicking .



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