"Appi what is this??? And what about you Abba, how could you do this to her?" Evaan said while fuming in anger after getting the news of my marriage from the reporters.

"What we did is just for her good" Abba said i scoffed and unknowingly my tears made it's way. I'm not that strong, my tears made their wah whenever I try to stand for myself.

"Good?" I said and turned to face him. I never raised my voice on my parents but I didn't expect anything like this

"Noor listen he is a very g--" Amma didn't complete her sentence when I cut her off saying

"I didn't expect this from you Amma, you knew that he is married" i said and evaan came and comfort me

"Noor now you're tied in this marriage so don't try to do any useless or stupid things ok. This deal is very important for me and don't spoil this doing something childish " I was just looking at him he isn't even shame for doing this to his daughter

"Enough ABBA"evaan growl making us flinch

"What you did was wrong but now you can't do anything else without her consent " evaan said with rage in his eyes. He is so possesive when it comes to me. He is very supportive brother

" Evaan don't forget your manners " i said and he looked at me with sad eyes

"Really appi, you want me to show manners to those who ruined your life..... But now won't let them do anything. You're going to divorce him" evaan said and i felt a sting pain in heart hearing him

"What are you talking evaan!!! Do you even have a slightest of idea about how your father's reputation would get ruin by this" I was amazed by amma's reply. I never thought she could do something like this to me. I was crying continuously

"I never expected this from you Amma... What sin i did that you punished me like this..... I'm your daughter Amma" i said and she tried to caress my cheeks but i jerked her hand saying

"I was your daughter but now you're not my Amma abba anymore " i said and straight face without any emotions

"This marriage is a burden on us Abba and I'll never forgive you for this. You used me for your business Abba. People don't do this with their enemies but you didn't even spare your daughter " i said and cried and evaan hugged me

"Noor please forgive me I was helpless" Amma said and i looked at her with red eyes

"Not even Allah can forgive you for this" i said and evaan dragged me saying

"Let's go appi i don't want to stay with strangers!!" Saying this we both left from there with heavy heart



I was just passing by the corridors when I heard some painful sobs and shouting. I don't like to interfere in others business but idk why i wanted to see the person who is sobbing and crying, so i went near the door and what I saw made my heart clench.

I didn't want to feel that way seeing her crying mess but I just wanted to know the reason behind her condition!

I was standing beside the door and then I heard her cries, how she got betrayed by marrying me who is already married. I'm sure the thing hurting her is no one told her about this. They put her in darkness. And i also told her so many things yesterday regarding our marriage and those fucking rules.

A feeling of hate build in my heart seeing how his parents did this to her. His father have to pay for making my wife cry..........(my wife ahm ahmmm)

Shut up.

She left from there with evaan and he took her in the garden where fairy lights were Tangled with tree's.

I went towards them and when she saw me she wiped her tears pretending like nothing happened

"What happened begam?" I asked her gently and I saw her forbidding evaan to tell anything.

"Nothing mr malik" she simply replied. I could accept this only if I didn't have heard her.

"So you're crying for nothing?" I again asked her softly and then she looked at me with her red puffy doe eyes. For the first time i noticed how beautiful eyes she have. Those dark brown orbs.

Just then I heard evaan

"I'll get going" he excused himself and left us alone there

"What happened begam you can share with me!" I spoke gently and kneeled down infront of her.

My mind was not thinking anything except her.

I would never done this if she was ok.

"Why you care mr malik. You will divorce me after one year so why you're showing fake concern, don't make me get used to you and your care" she said and i felt shattering sound inside me.what is it? Just then I saw my chachi coming towards us

"What is this Noor? How could you leave the ceremony in the middle and came out here and chill. Do you have any manners or not. Is this what your parents taught you?" She came and burst on her and I saw her red eyes forming tears again. She is already so much heart and now chachi is adding fuel to it.

"Chachi please stop it you can't talk to her like that" i announced in a calm tone and she gave a look

"Why are you stopping me daiyan, tell your wife to learn some manners. She should know so many rituals are still left. Is this how the daughter in law of Malik's behave?" She shout and i didn't gave a shit to her and took noors hand and headed inside and she was looking shocked.



The ceremony was over and just few guests were present and family members.

We were leaving for house so I was bidding goodbye to my family and friend.

"I'll miss you appi, and if you need any help I'm here ok" evaan assured me and i smiled hugged him and he hugged me back

"Don't worry I'll handle everything on my own" i added and broke the hug

"I'll Miss you bestie" aria said with a cute pout and I chuckled at her and hugged her

"I'll miss you too" i said and hugged her then I saw my parents I just passed them without saying anything and I saw my Amma crying. I felt so bad but they hurted me alot and right now I can't forgive them.

I was about to move my step when i tripped on my saree and ended up twisting my leg and i bend down due to the pain and a low scream left my mouth i couldn't stand properly I was tripping when a hand securely wrapped around my waist and other hand hold my hand for support

"Ahhh" i hissed and everyone looked at me with worried face.

The first voice I heard was mr Malik's voice

"Are you ok begam??" He said with worried face and i felt so happy seeing him worried for me

"What happened beta?" Amma asked me

"Bhabhi are you ok?" Azael said coming near me and i felt his hands touched my waist in a weird way, i felt so uncomfortable around him. His aura is so weird.

"I think my leg got twisted" i said in pain because it was hard for me stand straight

"You should walk properly begam" he said scolding me like i did this purposely

"I didn't did it intentionally. It's ok I'll just massage with ointment then it will get better" i said because i didn't like how he was scolding me like I'm a kid and i move my leg forward but again got tripped and didn't make balance and ended up in his arms again but this time he was holding my waist and and I was holding his shoulder and he was hovering over me . I got lost in his eyes that I forget that we are infront of our family. We get back to our senses when we heard some throat clearing.

"Ahmm ahmmm" sehrish and Zayn cleared their throat and he made me stand straight with his support and I was literally limping. I saw Zayn, Hamila, sehrish,aria , evaan and Amma laughing at us at our panicked state.

"Sorry I just tripped I'l---"i was about to to make a move again just then i felt myself in air. He took me in bridal style while putting one hand on back on my knees and other on my waist and lifted me in his arms and i got panicked

"Mr Mal--ik I can wa-lk" i tried to say something while stuttering

"While limping right?" He spoke in a sarcastic way and i just rolled my eyes and he headed towards our car.

"Enjoy Bhai" sehrish shout and i blushed hard

"Don't roll your eyes on me Mrs Malik" he said in a dominating tone which send shivers to my body.

"I'll do it, what will you do" i chatted with proud and he loosen his grip around me pretending to leave me

"Ahhh mr malik" i scream in fear and I saw a smirk on his face and ya Allah his smirk is just mashallah. He looked so hot.

"Do it again and the next moment you will be on floor begam" he announced and i again rolled my eyes forgetting what he said earlier but again screamed when he loosen his grip

"Sorry mr MALIK" i said and he laughed at me . I got lost in his smile . From now on his smile is my favourite. The way his eyes hide when he smile, the way his ear turns red and the way his lips crept a smile on his handsome face.

"Let me carry my wife, i don't want others to think that I was rough on you because you're limping" he said which made me whole face and ears red due to embarrassment. I looked away from him blushing.



I was done with some of my office work in my study room and i thought to went to my room to sleep. So i put everything on their place and off the table lamp and went outside the room and closed the door.

I headed towards my room and when I opened the door of my room i got welcomed by silence, i entered and my eyes roam in the entire room just for a particular person but didn't find her. Soon I heard some weird noises from the bathroom. I got worried and hurriedly went towards bathroom and knocked on the the door but didn't get any reply from her.

It was clear that she is inside because I can hear her sobs, i knocked again and twisted the knob of the door and found it open.

Without wasting any time i rushed inside and the inside view made me shock.

I rushed towards her and patted her back and rubbed it gently.

She was vomiting and was crying too. Her eyes was still red and puffy. Lips were trembling and she was shaking and her body was shivering and burning with fever.

"Noor are you okay?" I asked her rubbing her back and she shaked her head and throw up and her whole body was trembling.

After sometime she stopped vomiting and came back after washing her up

"Begam have this medicine" i offered her the fever reducing medicine just then i noticed she has red marks on her face.

I went towards her and touched it gently and she hissed

"Begam what is this?" I asked her but she didn't replied she just went towards table poured a glass of water and took the medicine with it.

I again rushed towards her with worry written on my face and saw her sobbing again and tears were flowing. The room was dark only the moon light and a lamp light was coming and I saw her pearl like tears on her cheeks with her red nose.

I don't know why but i cupped her cheeks with both of my hands and spoke softly

"Noor tell me what happened to you,? Why are you crying?why your face is red?" I asked her caressing her cheeks and she dropped a tear from her eyes saying

"It's allergy nothing else!" She said and i made a confused face asking

"Allergy!!!! Allergy from what?" I asked her but she ignored my questions and went towards balcony saying

"Sorry mr malik i disturbed you. It's your sleeping time and I'm here crying, sobbing just disturbing you sorry" she said and i shaked my head and went towards her

"Begam allergy from what?" I again asked and she looked at me from her painful eyes and said

"From sweets"she said and i became shocked after hearing her.

This is why she was refusing to eat sweet in the ceremony and i scolded her without knowing.

She is suffering because of me, i felt so guilty and i went inside to find an antiseptic for her red rashes and found it quickly and went  for ice and then towards her

"Apply this it will reduce the the redness

and the ice will reduce the pain" I gave those to her and said

"I'm sorry i didn't knew about your allerg-" i didn't complete my sentence when she turned around and sit opposite to me.

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