I left her outside with the car and went inside and I was heading upstairs to my room when I halt on my steps and spoke with my usual cold face.

"Zayn go and help her to carry the luggages" i said and moved my steps

"Daiyan!!!what is this behaviour,. She is your wife" Amma said and i turned around and spoke

"I don't consider her as my wife Amma" i announced and left for my room.

I opened the door and got relieved when I didn't saw any decorations in my room. I warned Zayn to tell the servants to clean my room if Amma didn't agree on not decorating my room for a married couple. And I'm glad he did his job perfectly. He is my brother but he do job as my secretary in office, because he told me he wants to learn many things from me.

I took out my coat and and while heading to my bathroom i peeked through the window and saw her struggling with the luggage. A piece of me wanted to go and help her but wait....no why would I help her.

C'mon daiyan Malik she is your wife, it's ok if you don't love her but she is your responsibility. It's your job to take care of her.

Put your ego aside and go and help her.

"Will you shut up...... I'm going" i said to my inner self because now used to talk to my inner self often.

I took out my neck tie and was about to step out side and I saw Zayn helping her through the window.

"He is already helping her so it's no use of me going there" i replied to my self and went inside the bathroom.



"Pathetic" i chuckled at my reflection in the mirror and wiped my tears

"Isn't this word made for you noor"i said and tears again begin to flow and my throat was paining because of crying.

Eyes became red and puffy ,nose became red. And I was having hiccups

"Am I that bad Allah? Do i deserve all this pain?" I said and cried out my heart. Until I heard a voice which made me wipe my tears immediately.

"Noor!!" She said with a sofr and gentle voice and i turned around with a fake smile

"Why are you crying beta?" She asked and hugged me sitting next to me and the moment she hugged me i broke down. I never felt this motherly love. My Amma cared for me but not the way I wanted. I cried in her embrace and she was just patting my back, comforting me. She didn't asked me anything after seeing my condition. After sometime i settled back my condition and broke the hug, she wiped my tears away and asked me with soft voice

"What happened beta?? Why are you crying? Did daiyan said something??" She asked me, what am I suppose to say that i got betrayed by my own parents, that i didn't knew about I'm his second wife, that his son will never consider me as his wife, that I'll never get the love i craved for.

"Am-mi"i tried to make words but failed miserably and she hugged me again and once again i broke down

"Am-mi eve-ryone betra-yed me"i said with hiccups " ammi he w-ill never love me, he will nev-er consi--der me as his wife" i said and she broke the hug and looked at me

"Tell me clearly beta" she said and i wiped my tears when she took my hands and caressed it saying

"Whatever it is I'm going to support you my child. Just trust me and share whatever it is. If daiyan said something then tell me I'll pull him through his ear" she said and I smiled a little knowing I'm going to get loved by her .

" Amm-a i didn't kn--ew about his first marriage" i announced and she looked so shocked

"What!!!... You didn't knew about this " she said with wide eyes " but i clearly told your parents about this and they said you were okay with it" she said which made me more shocked. I know my parents didn't love me but i never expected anything like this from them.

I was about to say something until his chachi(aunty)interrupted me

"What I'm listening is right??? Noor didn't knew about daiyan first wife" she said adding so much over acting making me disguise of her

"Ohoo bechari she got betrayed by her parents. And I'm sure daiyan will also not going to consider her as his wife. Because he still love Alysa very much " she said adding salt to my wounds and I'm sure she must be a snake in her past life.

"Stop it rehana, she is already hurt" ammi said shuting her up and she came and hugged me

"Don't worry Noor maybe this is written in your fate" she said while hugging me and i really wanted to punch her, i know it's disrespectful but this chachi( aunty) deserve this .

"I never expected this behaviour from Mr and Mrs Sheikh but now you both are tied up together so beta try to accept everything. I'm sure with time you both will overcome this pain and distance. And I'm sure you will make him fall for you. I want him to move on from her, it's true he love her so much but he have to accept that she is gone now and he can't stick with that only. He has built a wall around his heart Noor and you have to broke that wall and make him realise that loving second time is worthy. You have to make him fall for you.

Right now he is just a body with a dead soul, you have to revive his soul beta."

She said all this things to me and I was feeling so bad for him. At that time i forgot about my pain and was feeling how he must be suffering after loosing the love of his life. It's totally acceptable why he is behaving cold and not ready to accept anyone. Because he thinks that he is replacing Alysa but it's not like that. He have to forget his past but not her.

I would never want to replace her but I'll win your heart mr malik i promise. Now I'll never give up, I'll try to fix everything. I know it's hard but I'll do everything to make you fall for me and I'll make you believe that loving second time is worthy.

But I'll never forgive my parents for this

"I'll give a chance to this marriage ammi. And i promise I'll change your son into his old self" i reassured her and she smiled and hugged me

"I'll pray for you noor" chachi(aunty) said with sarcasm and i noticed with a eye roll. It must be a drama for her which she wanted to enjoy with a popcorn.

"My son is not bad beta, actually he have bad temper issue, ever since Alysa left him he couldn't be able to control his anger. He had learnt to control in it but after her death he lost control on his everything. Now I'm giving you my son, you have to revive his soul, you have to change him and I'm sure he will fall for you. And I'm sure you will also fall for him because he is sweet,kind and caring from inside but never shows it"

she was telling me everything about him and i was listening to her so attentively that i forgot to notice that his chachi was gone long ago.

"I promise ammi I'll make him realise that what is love, what is care, I'll revive his soul" as n completed my sentence he heard a knock on the door and noticed he is standing their, hands in either side of his pockets.

"If you mother and daughter in law are done than can i come??" He taunted and his mother went towards him and twisted his ear making him hiss. I felt bad for him but what do I do she is his mother.

"Amma Amma what are you doing?" He said and hissed in pain. It was so adorable moment to see the most coldest and arrogant person whining like a kid infront of his mother. I wanted to capture this moment and i secretly clicked his pic. His mother left his ear and they both smiled at eachother, and for the first time I saw him smiling and not to forget his smile is so adorable just like a small kid smiling after getting his favourite candy.At that point I totally forgot about how hurt I was, seeing him smiling is like a therapy for me. He was smiling and my heart was melting.

"Why you told her to sleep on the couch?" His Amma asked him and i and him both looked at her direction in shock

"I said that?" I asked her but she made it sound like I said this

"Yes that's what I'm saying you said that" she said and mr malik peeked at me with his cold eyes and i looked away

"Did i told you to sleep on the couch Mrs Malik?" He said this the moment I heard him calling me Mrs Malik my whole body felt goosebumps. It was new for me

I noticed his Amma was smiling at us.

"Ahh n---" I was saying something when he cut me off saying

"You sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the couch" he said and was about to took the pillow from the bed when his Amma said

"You both are married so you should sleep on the bed " she said and we both tried to protest but she didn't listen to us

"This is my final orded now do as i said or I'll not talk to you both" she said and went outside without listening to our buts

As soon as she left me malik looked at me with raised eye brow and hands crossed on his chest

"What?" I asked him being dumbfounded

"Why you lied to her that i told you to sleep on couch " he asked me and I didn't have any answer so i shrugged my shoulder and stand up to go and as I moved my steps he pulled me from my hands and i directly landed on his chest.

"Answer me Mrs Malik" he demanded and not gonna lie he was so close to me. For the first time I was this close to a guy. I never had boyfriend because I was hopelessly searching for my fictional man. My breath was getting uneven because of our proximity.

I diverted my gaze and was looking at everywhere but him. His gaze was so intensifying, so strong that it was making my knees weak.

"Look into my eyes when I'm talking Mrs Malik" he said and after gathering some courage I looked at him

"I asked you something Mrs Malik" he is so dominating. Man chill I was just kidding. He was still holding me close from my arms.

"Mr m--alik lea-ve me" i stutter and wiggle in his hold and i guess he understood that I'm getting uncomfortable so he left me saying

"You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the couch" he said and i felt bad because it's his room so he should be comfortable so I said going near him

"Mr malik you can sleep on the bed , I'll be fine on the couch"

"Sleep on the bed begam (lady or wife), your sauhar(husband ) is not that cruel who will let you sleep on the couch." He said and that word sent me 440 volt current to my body. I was feeling while zoo just by a word



I told her to sleep on the bed and I was sleeping on the couch but this couch is not that comfortable. I'm sure I'm going to have a bad backache in the morning.

She wasn't also sleeping. Just tossing on the bed, maybe it's new place for her she will get used to it.

Now I'm feeling bad the way i talked to her earlier wasn't good. She didn't even knew that she is my second wife. But why they didn't tell her.

She was crying badly that time and i think she is still crying because her body is shaking.

I checked the Air conditioner's temperature but it was average,.

"If you are done with crying then you can sleep now begam" i said and she changed her position a

nd faced the ceiling while mumbling"sorry".


Thank you so much for reading this chapter and do comment your favourite part. Don't forget to vote and comment........

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