NOOR - The light of his dark life

~by authormahek_

The story NOOR-The light of his dark life.....

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"Noor what are you doing here, go and get ready fast!" My Amma said while looking at me and shouting for the ninth time

"Amma let me finish this paragraph of this novel i promise I'll go and get ready after this" I said showing her my puppy eyes and she sigh

"Noor they will come anytime and moreover all the guests are already here" she said and I looked at her with questionable eyes

"Guests????"I asked her standing up and moved towards my balcony to peak in my backyard where my parents arranged my engagement, and I gasped seeing so many people there

"Amma why so many guests??" I asked her with my bowling eyes looking at her for an answer

"What do you mean why so many guests,  India's one of the most richest and successful business man's daughter is getting engaged so obviously he will invite many people including his business partners and friends and moreover beta your soon to be husband is also the most richest and successful business man himself" she said and i just shrugged it because I don't like to do this for show,i don't like to show off things, i always like decent and normal things not this expensive stuffs.

"Amma atleast you could have arranged the venue according to my will " I said and she feel guilty, I can see it in her eyes.

"Beta finish your work fast and get ready before your Abba shout ok" she said and left after caressing my cheeks

"Hmmm" i hmmed and she left the room as soon as i was about to sit and write the left out part of my novel I heard abba's voice and now I'm doomed.

"Noor!!" He again called me and I was about to open the door when he opened it and I was standing infront of him. The more I try to avoid him the more he appear infront of me.

"What is this Noor? You're still not ready yet, they will be here anytime" he said with a calm yet rough voice

"Abba actua---" I didn't even complete my sentence when he cut me off saying

"I don't care what you are doing, just left the work and get ready fast Noor" he said and i tried to protest but miserably failed

"But abb-" he again cut me off and i hate it

"Behave yourself Noor, you are a grown up girl now and soon you will have to handle many responsibilities. If you always stay and behave this immature and irresponsible then things will get hard for you" he said more like warning me and then left me but then again stopped on the doorstep saying

"I want you downstairs in 30 minutes Noor" he said and left i sighed

"Why can't he talk to me nicely, I'm his daughter not someone else. Why he always wants me to behave mature and decent responsible daughter. I also want him to behave like my father, he never cared for me. He always look at me as responsibility not as a daughter. He is just doing his responsibility right . I'm burden on him i know. But Allah i also want fathers love. I want him to caress my head and say it's ok beta your Abba is here. I want him to comfort me in my low time, I want him to see that I'm not happy with this marriage" i said and without my realisation my tears were flowing and then I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled sadly

"Pathetic!!!! Isn't this word made for me"  i said and wiped my tears

"I hope in future I'll get the love I'm not getting here" i said and then I heard a knock on my door

"Mam I'm your makeup artist" she said and i permit her to enter after wiping my tears


I was almost ready when someone from behind closed my eyes and in no time i guessed it

"Evaan!!!!!" I almost shout and he removed his hands from my eyes with a pout plastered on his face

"Appi (big sister )how did you know it's me?? Btw assalamualaikum!!" He said and i chuckled and stand up to hug him

"Walaikum assalaam! And I know you from childhood I'm your sister idiot" i said and he smiled cheekily and hugged me

"I missed you appi so much"  he said and i chuckled saying

"Missed me or missed teasing me??" I asked beaking the hug and he laughed

"Why appi I miss you only " he said and I laugh too

"You are looking so beautiful appi mashallah" he said and I smiled and we both took a seat

"Are you happy appi?" He asked me suddenly And i know he read my face

"Ofcourse I'm happy evaan, afterall I'm getting married to the richest business man" I said and fake laughed and he was just looking at me

"What!?" I asked him

"Are they forcing this marriage on you appi??" He again asked me and I shaked my head

"No Evaan they aren't. I'm very happy I'm doing this marriage willingly. And moreover I had to do this either way so why not now and it's not like I have someone in my life or I'm committed to someone right. " I said with a sad chuckle " i didn't find someone so Amma Abba found someone for me" I said and he took my hands in his and said

"Appi just tell me once that you are not happy with this marriage and I'll go against Abba and this world " he said and i felt so happy that I have so caring and loving brother. I smiled at him and said

"You don't have to do this evaan. I'm very happy trust me it's just i didn't sleep well these days " i tried to cover up the truth that I'm really not happy, i don't know why something is strange, something is not right

"I trust you but if you change your mind I'm ready to go against anyone " he said and i laughed

"Ya Allah my brother is talking like the man in my novel, are you perhaps reading my novels " I said while laughing

"I have never had such bad days that I read your book" he said and i wide my eyes and started to chase him to beat him

"Yaah my books are not that bad ok" i said and while running

"Yeah it's even worse than that" he said adding ghee to my already burning anger.



"Daiyan are you ready ??" Amma asked me from behind the door of my room

"Yes Amma" I said opening the door and standing infront of her

"Beta it's your engagement not a business meeting, you should wear kurta pyjama. I already put it on your bed , haven't you seen it?" She said and i said

"Amma I'm already doing this marriage for your happiness, atleast let me wear whatever I want! Can't you do this for my happiness?" I spoke to her and she smiled

" A mother can do anything for their child and what I'm doing is also for your own happiness. Not now but in future you will thank me and your Abba for  this" she said and I just fake smiled

"Let's go" I said and we headed

After reaching there they all were talking and waiting for my so called soon to be fiance and i wasn't interested so I was talking to my some partners who was present there with me.

"Yes we are very thankful to you mr malik that you signed this contract " one of my partner said

"It's my honour to work with you " I said and was talking until Halima came and said

"Bhai leave this work for now atleast, bgabhi has arrived come everyone is waiting " when she said i don't know why I felt something tingling in my stomach but i ignored it

"I'll see you later everyone enjoy" i said and headed with her she was dragging me

"Bhai fast it's not good to make your soon to be wife wait" she said and i felt annoyed

"Daiyan come we should start the ceremony " Amma said and I went towards them with and uninterested face and with a force face. And as soon as i faced the girl i recognised her. She she is the same stupid girl from yesterday. Who spilled coffee on me but what she is doing here??, wait don't tell me she is the one



My soul left my body when I saw my future husband standing with a straight face staring straight in my eyes digging hole in my body with his stares. Don't tell me he recognised me oh no. Noor you messed everything

So I'm going to marry the person with whom I argued yesterday and also spilled coffee on him, aish and i wasn't confessing my mistake.... wait it wasn't my mistake it was him right. But he is looking so cold and arrogant yr . Ya Allah what bad things did I do to anyone to deserve this. I'm getting married to a person who doesn't even know how to smile.

"Let's start the ceremony" a lady which seems like his Amma said with a beautiful smile.

"Kids come here" she gesture us to come in the centre and I went there as well as him too.

"I'm so lucky to have you as my daughter in law" she said with a smile and I can say she must be very beautiful in her 20s because she is still beautiful. I returned a smile.

I moved my gaze from her and suddenly my eyes get locked with a cold pair of eyes which was staring deep in my soul making the hair of my body straight with an unknown feeling.

I wanted to divert my gaze from him but i don't know why my mind wasn't allowing me , it was like his ocean filled eyes did some magic on my mind which was attracting me. I came back to my sense when I heard a deep,raspy, seducing voice which can make anyone go on their knees......(noor stop involving your writer mind here ) i heard this voice, my inner voice wow now I'm going crazy. I'm talking to my inner self.


(Not only you noor there is someone else who is talking to his inner self too)



"I know I'm handsome but it's not appropriate to stare at someone for this long" i don't know why , i don't know how but I just said this line to her who was staring at me for like ages.

She literally is looking like a stupid girl admiring her boyfriend.....and i don't know while thinking this I was staring at her too

(Don't you think mr daiyan Malik it's inappropriate to stare at someone)

"Shut up" wow now I'm talking to my inner self just wow, it's been only few minutes with this girl and I'm like this and I'm sure if I get married to this stupid girl I'll become a total crazy

"Amma please finish this as soon as possible I have a meeting today " i said and my Amma gave me a done face



Man who do meeting on their engagement day, I'm surely going to regret marrying this cold ass arrogant man. I don't know when was the last time he smiled.

I was in my thoughts when her mom came and said something

"I'm so glad that you agreed to marry my son knowing his past" she said and i made a confused face. What does she mean by knowing his past? What about his past?? I was about to speak when my Amma came

"Umm.... Mrs Malik come let's start the ceremony" my Amma said and dragged her away, she was looking panicked.Why is she behaving strange? Why Amma and Abba both are behaving strange.weird!!! Is something bad is going to happen? I'm feeling something weird

Keeping all the thoughts aside i thought to begin the conversation between us because it was getting awkward for us .everyone was on the stage preparing for our entry

"For yesterd---" i didn't even complete my sentence when he said

"I don't have time to waste" he left saying this with a straight yet cold face leaving me there like an invisible creature.

"How could someone be this arrogant!!! How am I gonna survive with him" I said making a crying face and followed him to the stage for our so called engagement ceremony.


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