Noor- PART3

NOOR - The light of his dark life

~by authormahek_

The story NOOR-The light of his dark life.....

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"How could they do this Noor" aria my best friend said in frustrated tone because of the news I gave her recently

"I don't know Ari they just called me saying come back we need to discuss something and they didn't even discussed with me. They just throw their decision on me." I said chuckling bitterly knowing how my parents are. They don't care for their children's happiness,just care for business and money and I know very well this is also related with it.

"How could they fixed your marriage without your consent!!!" She shouted making everyone look at us weirdly

"Ari stop over reacting!" I said and she wasn't calming

"Waiter please bring a cold coffee" i ordered a cold coffee for her to calm down her anger which is rising up like a volcano

"Noor are you for real ..... How can you be so calm?? Have you seen him ?" She asked when the waiter gave her the cold coffee and she sip it

"Not yet , actually tomorrow is engagement so" i said and she chocked on her drink

"WHAT!!!"She said .....ahh I know she is over dramatic

"Tomorrow is engageme---" she didn't complete her sentence when my phone ring indicating my Amma called me, i picked it up

"Yes Amma?" I said while putting my hands on the table

"Ok Amma I'm coming" i said and cutted the call and looked at Ari

"You have to go , she is calling you right?" She said and i laughed. She knows everything about me.

"Yeah I'll see you again" i said and was about to go but she said

"Take your coffee with you it's not finished yet" she said and i smiled and picked the coffee . I take my bag and took my diary and kept it inside it .

"Btw when your book is coming??" She asked while I was busy putting my stuffs inside my bad

"I guess not now because these I will be busy, not getting time to write" i said and went to hug her and then turned myself to go.

"Are you happy Noor?" She asked me and i don't have any answer

"Does it matter now Ari....Do anyone care about my happiness" I said and scoffed on my words, she was silent

"Bye" i said and left.

While going and sipping my coffee I got startled because of a man from the side coffee table stands up making the coffee spill on him because he stands up suddenly making me startled.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry plea---" I was apologizing until be shout

"Are you blind??? Watch where you go" he shout making everyone look at us

"Maybe if you weren't too tall, i wouldn't have spilled on you" i said putting the coffee mug on his table and standing infront of him matching with his attitude

"I can't believe after ruining my suit you're creating a mess here" he said in a cold and expression less face making me want to slap on his face

"Oh please Me arrogant it was an accident and it was your fault, you stand up so suddenly making me startled "i said getting little closer while arguing

"Instead of apologizing, you're just wasting our time. " He said and i scoffed

"I thought to apologise but I don't apologise to those who can't accept their fault" i said and he made an annoyed face

"I don't want to talk with brainless people, just get lost " he said and left from there and I was in shock with his so called cold and arrogant behaviour

"Sorry mam i apologise on his behalf" an other men said I guess he was his secretary or something.

"No no why are you saying sorry, it was his fault he should apologise but seeing his attitude I don't think he has ever apologised to anyone in his life. His ego is bigger than his height. They don't want to put their ego on side for a women. They don't like to bow infront of women" I said and he was about to say something when my phone again ring indicating my Amma again called me

"I have to go bye" i bid goodbye and left while blabbering

"How can someone be this cold and heartless. How the hell his family bears him" i said and i don't know why my heart was beating little faster than usual

"Why are you beating so fast mr heart?" I said and chuckled at my own words and then headed outside.



I was talking to my investors in a cafe

"I want the deal in between this one year mr rajvanshi " i said to my investor

"We will try our best mr malik just give us some times, we need to talk to our members about this urgent dealing" mr rajvanshi said and took a sip of his coffee and i nodded even tho I want this deal in between one year so that after one year I have a better deal compare to me Malik's (his dad) partner.

You started this game mr malik (his dad) but now I'll end this. You're forcing this marriage on me for you deal so after one year I'll give you a better reason to end this marriage.

(He is the CEO of the Malik enterprises but his father is still the president of that company)

"Btw can we know the reason of this sudden urgent dealing?" He asked and  i don't want to tell him the reason

"Mr rajvanshi as much as i remember i don't think this was written in our contract that we have to tell the reason. So please be professional, i don't like to work with unprofessionals " i said and I saw he felt anger with my reply but what I said was the truth. People should be professional with work

"Oh I'm sorry mr malik. I'll try my best to deal as soon as possible"

"Ok thank you so much me malik nice to meet you and you too mr zayn" they said and shake our hands and then left

I was about to go so i stand up but suddenly someone spilled coffee on me and that's it I can control anything but I can't control my anger, so i burst on that person

"Are you blind??? Watch where you go" i shout on her but when I saw her face my heart beat stopped for a second.

She was so beautiful that for a second i forgot to blink. She was saying something but i wasn't listening i was lost in her beauty. But I came back to my sense when she didn't stop her blabbering

"Maybe if you weren't too tall, i wouldn't have spilled on you" she said and i raised my eye brow I mean now she is blaming my height for her fault,what a stupid girl

"I can't believe after ruining my suit you're creating a mess here" i said and while arguing she came little closer to me which made my breath uneven. I was feeling strange

"Oh please Me arrogant it was an accident and it was your fault, you stand up so suddenly making me startled "what she just called me mr arrogant. I can't believe she is so stupid

"Instead of apologizing, you're just wasting our time. " i said and she squeezed her eyes on my words

"I thought to apologise but I don't apologise to those who can't accept their fault" she is blaming me wow i never wanted to meet this foolish girl again in my life such a waste on time

"I don't want to talk with brainless people, just get lost "i said and left for home she was just wasting my time.

"I hope I'll never meet this stupid and chatter box again in my life" i said while heading outside

"What were you doing inside zayn ?" I asked him because after i left he was talking with that stupid girl

"Nothing sir I was just shouting on her" he said and I chuckled he can't even lie properly

"Shouting while joining hands infront of her" I said and he felt nervous

"Sorry sir" he said while looking down

"Zayn don't apologise to anyone for my behaviour" i said and he nodded



I was sitting with my family and my sister's were non stop telling me about their college life just then mr malik entered.

"Assalamualaikum Abba you came " sehrish said and hugged him with a smile

"Yes princess" he said and pecked her forehead

"It's been whole day since you came but you didn't came to meet me !!" He said and i show no interest

"I met my family already there was no one left to meet" i said and Amma looked at me with pleading eyes

"Daiya--" he was about to shout on me as always but i don't care until Amma interrupt

"Dinner is ready let's go and eat" she said but I turned my heels for my room

"Daiyan come and have dinner with your family beta" Amma said while everyone was settling on the dining table

"I don't like to do things for show " I said looking at mr malik with rage in my eyes just then mr malik came towards me and asked

"Aren't you happy with this marriage??" He asked as if he is really concerned about me being happy or not

"You're getting your deal anyway" I said and went back in my room without sparing glance on him.



"Where were you noor, tomorrow is your engagement and you're roaming" my Amma said scolding me . She cares for me but my Abba is just opposite. He doesn't listen to anyone not even her.

"Amma I was with Ari" I said and she caressed my cheeks

"Amma please convince Abba please i don't even know him" I said because I know she know I'm not ready for this

"Noor you know your Abba would never listen to me " she said with pain in her voice

"Amma i always dreamt of marrying someone whom I love " I said with tears in my eyes .

"You will love him after marriage too beta . Love after marriage is so beautiful " she said and I know this is not going to work, I have to do this anyway

I was in my room busy in my thoughts. Everything is going change after somedays. Tomorrow I'll be engaged with someone I don't even know.

This world is totally different form what I wrote in my books, there everything is parallel. I always wanted to experience love. I never received love from my parents. My Amma loves me very much but i always craved for my father's love. But he never show any affection. All he wanted was business, business and business.

"I always imagined my world with my loved ones and i don't know will I ever be able to experience it in real or it will always be in my imagination.

Phone buzz

"Appi I'm coming tomorrow!!"

I received a message from my brother and all my worries vanished due to happiness. My brother Loves me very much,he is the only one who cares for me genuinely.

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